Unfortunate names


Another NFL college player with a completely ridiculous name, where the fuck do they find these people? What is wrong with American names, you would never get someone from the UK called... Memorable Factor...

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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Another NFL college player with a completely ridiculous name, where the fuck do they find these people? What is wrong with American names, you would never get someone from the UK called... Memorable Factor...

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Well it is certainly memorable.

The surname could, I guess, be derived from the Polish name Faktorowicz? As in Maksymilian Faktorowicz, founder of Max Factor. I've always thought that's the most amazing example of serendipity; the fact that a man who founded a hugely successful cosmetics company could just shorten both his names and thereby a derive a phrase that sounds exactly like a cosmetics company.


Well it is certainly memorable.

The surname could, I guess, be derived from the Polish name Faktorowicz? As in Maksymilian Faktorowicz, founder of Max Factor. I've always thought that's the most amazing example of serendipity; the fact that a man who founded a hugely successful cosmetics company could just shorten both his names and thereby a derive a phrase that sounds exactly like a cosmetics company.

I replied to this on Saturday with " what do you think Max Hardcore's real name was?", but then deleted it because that's what I do when I'm drunk, and I thought people might not know who I was referring to, but seeing as @WashYourHands has posted a pic of him in another thread and announced that he died this year, I had to google and it turns out it was "Paul Little" - no wonder he used another name for his "work"

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I replied to this on Saturday with " what do you think Max Hardcore's real name was?", but then deleted it because that's what I do when I'm drunk, and I thought people might not know who I was referring to, but seeing as @WashYourHands has posted a pic of him in another thread and announced that he died this year, I had to google and it turns out it was "Paul Little" - no wonder he used another name for his "work"
"Richard Little" would have been even better.


cat malogen
I replied to this on Saturday with " what do you think Max Hardcore's real name was?", but then deleted it because that's what I do when I'm drunk, and I thought people might not know who I was referring to, but seeing as @WashYourHands has posted a pic of him in another thread and announced that he died this year, I had to google and it turns out it was "Paul Little" - no wonder he used another name for his "work"

a true man of the 00’s with a 4inch needle dick, my guess is he was rejected from more formal routes into porn so festooned the world with images out of rape flashbacks

he also, for any uninformed readers, came up with lines which, for all their monstrous horror, are worth a producer sample dropping late in an ambient track just as a wee surprise

Russell Brand and Max Hardcore seem to have quite a bit in common, glad I wasn’t alone correlating this ¥¥axis¥¥


a true man of the 00’s with a 4inch needle dick, my guess is he was rejected from more formal routes into porn so festooned the world with images out of rape flashbacks

he also, for any uninformed readers, came up with lines which, for all their monstrous horror, are worth a producer sample dropping late in an ambient track just as a wee surprise

Russell Brand and Max Hardcore seem to have quite a bit in common, glad I wasn’t alone correlating this ¥¥axis¥¥

I used to be really into kung fu and Wu Xia ( flying people kung fu ) films when Hong Kong actually had a film industry, and there were various channels to satisfy my obsession, one of which was a market stall that had the latest HK flicks on 3rd gen VHS dubs but which also had a side line ( the cool kids nowadays would call it a "side hustle" ) in "under the counter" vids and I was chatting to the owner and he mentioned that he had the latest "Max Hardcore" and I was "????", and the owner said:

"As crack is to cocaine, Max Hardcore is to porn"

and I was, to my shame, intrigued

so he lent me a tape, promising me that I would love the "Japanese lady in a cheerleader outfit ON ROLLERSKATES" but I ended up fast-forwarding and returning it a day later saying "not my thing" and was I left wondering how Max Hardcore aka Paul Little wasn't in prison because I'm sure various crimes flashed by


I wasn't sure if this should go here or in the "Australians" thread

Television journalist Kirsten Drysdale decided to test whether there were any names you can't legally call your baby in Australia.

So when she gave birth in July, she submitted his name as "Methamphetamine Rules."

Amazingly, the New South Wales Registry of Birth, Death and Marriages approved it.

Fact or Fiction: Did an Australian woman really name her baby 'Methamphetamine Rules?'

Unfortunately for the child, the name will remain on record even after it's formally changed.


Just put the news on when I woke and CNN was reporting on the tribute to former Chicago Bears player whom they seemed to go out of their way to call Dick Buttkiss although it was written Dick Buttkus.


..but I ended up fast-forwarding and returning it a day later saying "not my thing" and was I left wondering how Max Hardcore aka Paul Little wasn't in prison because I'm sure various crimes flashed by

You know those countless Louie Theroux series with different names which are essentially the same thing? For those who aren't familiar, what he does is, he finds some weird people (often American) who are in a cult or think they are aliens or whatever, and he ingratiates himself with them by using his strangely childlike, faux-naive charm. Once he's crossed a certain trust barrier and their defences are down he starts hitting them with unexpectedly tough questions, recording - for the amusement of the audience - their helpless floundering confusion as they struggle to reconcile his puppy dog face and friendly tone with the unadorned accusations of paedophilia or similar...

Well, anyway, the point is, sometimes he does a follow up programme where he interviews one of these freaks years later. And one show was about porn including some guy who did real nasty stuff, and ten years later he interviewed this same bloke again, and it turned out that he'd spent most of the intervening time in jail cos of his extreme content - and I'm wondering if that's the guy you're on about.


You know those countless Louie Theroux series with different names which are essentially the same thing? For those who aren't familiar, what he does is, he finds some weird people (often American) who are in a cult or think they are aliens or whatever, and he ingratiates himself with them by using his strangely childlike faux-naive charm.

I'm familiar

he did one "weekend" with some porn stars and the pre-prison dark angel (?) dude took him to a "shoot" in a barn and he left in a hurry because it looked a bit non-consensual, but a decade later he caught up with some of the stars and the diminutive "male talent" may have added to his Star Wars collectibles considerably in the meantime ( although he may have admitted to some PTSD )

edit: or was Rob Black the Evil Angel? I've no idea, I know nothing about that world, but I seem to remember that in the followup programme the dude was out of prison and was making "porn parodies" of Hollywood blockbusters because of market forces but for the life of me I can't remember a single title and I've never seen one and I doubt you have either


Ah I pressed submit by accident and you responded before I could edit it correctly... let me read through and untangle


Ah I pressed submit by accident and you responded before I could edit it correctly... let me read through and untangle

edit: this will appear all out of kilter because we were operating in different timelines, so 'i answered @IdleRich's questions before he asked them, and vice versa, we're cosmic beings like that

sometimes he does a follow up programme where he interviews one of these freaks years later. And one show was about porn including some guy who did real nasty stuff, and ten years later he interviewed this same bloke again, and it turned out that he'd spent most of the intervening time in jail cos of his extreme content - and I'm wondering if that's the guy you're on about.

no, Rob Black wasn't "Max Hardcore" but...

they bore similarities

both should have done prison time - in fact, Rob Black, the sweaty coke bloat felon from the original "weekend" did, and I'm pretty sure Max aka Paul Little also did, so justice was served

I used to buy Kung Fu films from guys who made their real money from "under the counter" videos and there used to be a queue of dirty raincoats when the new "Max Hardcore" or "Rob Black" film appeared - I may have borrowed and fast forwarded a few, but to be honest I was only ever interested in flying people ( "Wu Xia" ) kung fu films, "gonzo porn" was never my thing, but you've got to keep abreast of trends, etc.,

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
edit: or was Rob Black the Evil Angel? I've no idea, I know nothing about that world, but I seem to remember that in the followup programme the dude was out of prison and was making "porn parodies" of Hollywood blockbusters because of market forces but for the life of me I can't remember a single title and I've never seen one and I doubt you have either
Oh come on, we both know you could just make some shit up like Hairy Clopper and the Philosopher's Bone and then Google it and it would probably turn out to be one of the actual titles.


My incompetence drew out the above exchange far beyond its necessary length but in the end I understood. Apologies.

no need to apologise

maybe I should apologise instead because of my assumption that anyone would be aware of the "ins and outs" of late 20th / early 21st century gonzo porn


Oh come on, we both know you could just make some shit up like Hairy Clopper and the Philosopher's Bone and then Google it and it would probably turn out to be one of the actual titles.

my favourites:



( edit: my favourite "play on words"! I've never seen these "parodies"! these are not recommendations! )