
Beast of Burden







Tentative Andy

I'm in the Meal Deal
I love all those happy, smiling chickens on the shop signs, like they're cheerfully inviting you to come and eat them.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I love all those happy, smiling chickens on the shop signs, like they're cheerfully inviting you to come and eat them.

Yeah, it reminds me of Douglas Adams' genetically modified cow that can talk and attempts to entice diners to eat it by pointing out particularly choice cuts and organs.

However, this guy pops up quite often and is obviously not so happy with things - it's like he's not sure exactly what's going on, but just has a Bad Feeling about something:



Well-known member

I don't really understand this one.

They've found an acronym that shares enough letters with better known brands and throws in an all-American hero.It's genius.

They could have RFK as the veggie option.

Maybe we could do an LBJ bbq takeaway.

Tentative Andy

I'm in the Meal Deal
However, this guy pops up quite often and is obviously not so happy with things - it's like he's not sure exactly what's going on, but just has a Bad Feeling about something:

It's as if he's reading the sign next to him and thinking "oh shit, that's me on the menu".


Beast of Burden
I've heard rumours of a New York Fried Chicken in London that has the Statue of Liberty with a chicken's head on its sign. If anyone can provide evidence of this, I'd be very grateful.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
My favourites are the ones called YANKEE FRIED CHICKEN or whatever, featuring a grinning cartoon rooster dressed as a Texan sheriff on a Stars'n'Stripes background, with the word HALAL next to him in Roman and Arabic letters.

Sick Boy

All about pride and egos
Shortly after Obama's inauguration, a college in Mississauga, Ontario - the town over from where I went to school - held a celebratory banquet for the students and staff. The menu was consciously "Obama-themed" and ended up ruffling the feathers of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People by offering a dish called "Obama Fried Chicken."

The cook haplessly pointed out that Obama had mentioned in an Associated Press article that fried chicken was his favourite food. They were still pissed.


rip this joint please
This is now the accepted wisdom re Brick Lane, wit the result that most in-the-know (incl me) go to Tayyab or somewhere instead. Is it suffering from inverted snobbery? I've had mixed experiences there.

i think Cracker's question here may be key.

Inner circle probably has 'modern indian' type michelin starred places as well as cheap nasty takeaways, although I guess that's not really part of the takeaway equation.

true re 'modern Indian'.

OK people have come up with a lot of objections to Ludwig, but on the whole i can see what he's driving at (though my personal favourite objection is ViktorVaughan's Drummond St) and the zone 2-3 thing is far too blanket (either zone is very diverse, after all), but it's definitely a bold stab.


rip this joint please
where'd you grow up VV, if you don't mind me asking?

they're all over the show in Manchester, certainly - in fact i think the photograph of that one is actually the Sale branch, the suburb by my childhood runnings and where hucks spent the first years of his life! (if so, cheap and cheerful pub The Vine just out of shot.)

(along with the generic Dixy's/Krunchy's/Maxwin's/Maxwell's etc etc etc)

as the thread is about to hit page four, i thought we should mark the occasion by