DOOM, or The Official 2016 US Election Thread


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I think its more of a redoubt. When things get tricky, fall back behind a strong authoritarian hand who will exterminate the political problems which threaten profits.


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Can we say Trump did better than expected in the election because a majority of voters supported his most powerfully articulated policy positions? Exit poll voters were asked whether most illegal immigrants working in the U.S. should be offered a chance to apply for legal status or deported to the country they came from. Fully 7 of 10 voters said they should be allowed to apply for legal status. Similarly, more people opposed building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico than supported it. And virtually as many voters (38 percent) said trade with other countries creates more U.S. jobs as said it takes away jobs (42 percent).

How did Trump win when many of his core positions were so unpopular? Some people voted for him regardless of that. Among those who favored giving illegal immigrants a chance to apply for legal status, one in three voted for Trump. Thirty-five percent of people who said international trade creates jobs voted for Trump. And even 27 percent of white voters who said they want the next president to change to more liberal policies voted for Trump.

One issue that may have motivated some white voters is the ongoing national debate over the way police treat African-Americans. The exit poll asked voters whether they think the country’s criminal justice system treats all people fairly or treats blacks unfairly. Half of white voters said blacks are treated fairly while 41 percent say they are treated unfairly. Among the first group, 8 in 10 voted for Trump. Sixty-five percent who said blacks are treated unfairly voted for Clinton.

With so many tightly contested races, the votes cast for candidates such as Gary Johnson and Jill Stein may have impacted the overall results. The exit polling asked voters they would have cast ballots for if there were only two candidates (Clinton and Trump). A quarter of Johnson voters said Clinton, 15 percent said Trump, and 55 percent said they would not have voted. Numbers were similar for Stein voters, with about a quarter saying they would have chosen Clinton, 14 percent saying Trump, and 61 percent saying they would not have voted. It is difficult to say with any certainty, but with razor thin margins in some states, a small number of voters who might have supported Clinton could have altered outcomes in some states.


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time to hear from the conspiracy community

It seems like we have all been duped, including those of us who were sure the Hillary-heads were being duped into thinking Trump could win. (They were, but not in the way we thought.) When I heard that Trump won while I was waiting for my morning bowel movement today, the first word I said was “Crap.” I’d had a sense of what to expect if Hillary won (the big UFO rapture hoax), but now Trump has, what? Probably the same only with a different cast and crew, as if Michael Winner got to direct it rather than Katheryn Bigelow.

Meanwhile, I am interested to discover any evidence that Trump was being groomed for this, and how far back. My bet is that, like Reagan, he was singled out for this role a long time ago (maybe even as a child, if I know how these things work), and that part of the “sting” was making it seem like he came out of nowhere, that he didn’t have any real chance of winning, and that he was useful mostly as a colorful foil for the neoliberal clique.


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Hillary Clinton made it a point to announce her attention to look into UFOs -- and more importantly, Area 51-- and her campaign is being run by Washington power player's power player John Podesta, who has also expressed interest in UFOs.

And I believe you know the rest.

You see, you don't have to believe in ET or anything like that at all for all of this to work.

What we're really looking at are the elected officials of the US Government and their allies sticking their noses into the business of the real government, black projects, black ops and the secret space program and all the rest of it.

We're seeing the elected government going up against the actual government and getting its ass kicked.

Benny Bunter

Well-known member

yeah i'm seeing loads of these stories on twitter right now. I fully expect a rise in sexual violence against women too in coming days and well into the future, considering how little voters seemed to care about the locker room scandal and assault allegations.


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Dammerung10:56 PM, November 06, 2016

Psi war now. The Deep State is part of this, so is Donald Trump, but so is /pol/. The political dissidence in this country has a number of factions, each with varying goals, methodologies, and reasons. But personally I would advise you to have faith in Trump, at least until he gives us a reason otherwise. This electoral cycle couldn't have happened if he weren't the man he is and didn't have the support of a huge cabal of dissident mages, both official and otherwise. In fact I think Trump is psi talented as well. Of course, the energies he taps are a little more Apollonian and a little less HP Lovecraft by way of Jeffery Dahmer.


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The NYPD has refused to buckle under enormous pressure and intends to release the full contents of these emails to the public should the FBI investigation/indictment again go nowhere. And make no mistake, the information in these emails travels quite a bit further than your usual run-of-the-mill influence peddling normally associated with the Clinton Foundation.
If you have been a follower of this blog for any period of time, you will know that it has long been the contention here that there is a connecting thread beyond every major headline that breaks on the world stage, and it concerns the widespread and ritualistic involvement of the predator elites ruling this planet in the systematic and occult-based rape, torture, and murder of hundreds of thousands of children every year. This is a bloodthirsty adjunct to the already documented scourge of human trafficking that currently afflicts humanity and is the largest money-making enterprise on the globe.

Also keep in mind that these are Above Top Secret and hidden away behind National Security and Special Access Project firewalls. What is being gleaned from the Weiner and Abedin devices is interior information that was NEVER supposed to see the light of day. It’s why Hillary accessed the supreme overkill of “bleachbit” to scrub everything. This is black information (of the most important occult variety) that supersedes even Treason. It is the natural “end of the road” mindset and ideology that is fostered at places like Bohemian Grove and the “pedophile islands” of Jeffrey Epstein.

Far from being a present-day problem, these groups of connected and like-minded-thinking “black nobility” harken back to the royal families of all Europe that have been holding court for centuries, and can be seen in historical examples like Gilles de Rais and Elizabeth Bathory, to name only 2 egregious examples. Everywhere you find these elite, ritualistic networks you will also find the widespread problem of missing children. Indeed, this may be a large part of the agenda behind the wholesale implementation worldwide of the international “refugee” crisis.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps

Further, this bears examining:

...look at Trump’s share of the voter per income band and see the same pattern. The workers didn’t vote for Trump...

It's hyperbole, I know, but saying "the workers didn't vote for Trump" is hyperbolic to the point of being a flat-out untruth. Looking at the charts posted a few pages back, Trump's support among people earning under $50k was in the low 40s, and for those earning more, the high 40s. That's statistically significant, but it's not, you know, staggering. If you wanted to summarize the data in a single sentence, you'd say "Trump had broad support from close to half of all voters, regardless of income". Likewise, he was more popular among white men than among white women, but not that much more popular.

What I can't get my head around is the 30% of Latinos who voted for him!
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Well-known member
Further, this bears examining:

It's hyperbole, I know, but saying "the workers didn't vote for Trump" is hyperbolic to the point of being a flat-out untruth. Looking at the charts posted a few pages back, Trump's support among people earning under $50k was in the low 40s, and for those earning more, the high 40s. That's statistically significant, but it's not, you know, staggering. If you wanted to summarize the data in a single sentence, you'd say "Trump had broad support from close to half of all white voters, regardless of income". Likewise, he was more popular among white men than among white women, but not that much more popular.

What I can't get my head around is the 30% of Latinos who voted for him!

The Latino thing is easy - it's those who are legally here, who possibly have reached middle class status. They imagine themselves being threatened by illeagal immigrants too. Plus, they are tax payers. They see their tax dollars being spent on keeping these illegals under control. They possibly believe if it wasnt for the immigrants, they might have to pay lesser taxes (bullshit of course but they won'T believe you their tax dollar will be spent elsewhere, likely on military)


Well-known member
@the white workers' thing: Trump didn't need the majority of them voting for him. It was sufficient to draw enough of them in the rust belt swing states to make the difference. I haven't looked into the figures, bit I bet Trump was way more sucessful in these states among white workers than the GOP candidate in the former elections.

Again sad, bc those people SHOULD have voted for the candidate of the Democrats.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The Latino thing is easy - it's those who are legally here, who possibly have reached middle class status. They imagine themselves being threatened by illeagal immigrants too. Plus, they are tax payers. They see their tax dollars being spent on keeping these illegals under control. They possibly believe if it wasnt for the immigrants, they might have to pay lesser taxes (bullshit of course but they won'T believe you their tax dollar will be spent elsewhere, likely on military)

Yeah, I know it's common for established immigrants to be hostile to further immigration, but I'd have thought Trump's "Mexicans are drug-dealing rapists" rhetoric might have had a more powerful negative effect on his popularity with Latinos than whatever positive effect might have come from the (alleged) economic benefits of curbing illegal immigration.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know it's common for established immigrants to be hostile to further immigration, but I'd have thought Trump's "Mexicans are drug-dealing rapists" rhetoric might have had a more powerful negative effect on his popularity with Latinos than whatever positive effect might have come from the (alleged) economic benefits of curbing illegal immigration.

ah now I think I get ya ... well, another sad aspect of this debacle. But then, solidarity is in short supply, and only be found within the ruling class within that said class.