Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I skipped the 702 one because I'm allergic to 2-step and autotune. Sorry. 😑
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Beast of Burden
Ok, now then, Jagged Edge.

This is the track that hit me like a meteor on Chillin FM in the aftermath of -- lying amidst the wreckage of -- a smashed up relationship: every twinge of regret and loss was captured in the tremulous weave of this production and the massive chest-beating vocal outpour. This is the song I sang to the bemused Texaco garage attendant while trying to buys fags at two in the morning, hopelessly drunk and heartbroken. This song is deep. Don’t fuck with this song.


Well-known member
Ok, now then, Jagged Edge.

This is the track that hit me like a meteor on Chillin FM in the aftermath of -- lying amidst the wreckage of -- a smashed up relationship: every twinge of regret and loss was captured in the tremulous weave of this production and the massive chest-beating vocal outpour. This is the song I sang to the bemused Texaco garage attendant while trying to buys fags at two in the morning, hopelessly drunk and heartbroken. This song is deep. Don’t fuck with this song.

how do you keep getting ahead of me?


Well-known member
Ok, now then, Jagged Edge.

This is the track that hit me like a meteor on Chillin FM in the aftermath of -- lying amidst the wreckage of -- a smashed up relationship: every twinge of regret and loss was captured in the tremulous weave of this production and the massive chest-beating vocal outpour. This is the song I sang to the bemused Texaco garage attendant while trying to buys fags at two in the morning, hopelessly drunk and heartbroken. This song is deep. Don’t fuck with this song.

the fact that white people cant make music like this is why people say that they dont have souls and they were either created in a laboratory or were radiation burned mutants or that they are more neanderthal than homo sapien,not fully human. botched.


Beast of Burden
Sex diversion.

Same fellas who sang ‘This Old Heart of Mine’ but basically a different group: this is in the slipstream of Marvin’s Midnight Love but without all the dark contortions and agonies. This is a perfect, springy, fresh synth concoction; a half-ludicrous, half-effective ode to shagging and Eau de Cologne, albeit overshadowed by the looming holocaust of AIDS, cf. Midnight Love:


Beast of Burden

‘Between the Sheets’ was sampled on ‘Cashmere’, one of the lead singles on Gwen’s debut, which is what made me think of this. This is a high-grade ear-worm. It’s basically a retooled version of Toni Basil’s ‘Hey Mickey’ but overlaid with dead-eyed postmodern LA cynicism and post-ironic identity politics peculiar to this specific slice of time. I have to be honest, I admired Stefani’s chutzpah, ditching the horrible ska-punk band, hooking up with Jimmy Iovine, and coming out with this.


Well-known member
this video is truly hideous. aesthetically, sartorially, this was a very questionable era.