What do you wanna do before your dead


Well-known member
I'm forever caught between wanting to be remembered and wanting to disappear. I'm perpetually doing and undoing things. I've done the odd notable thing then gone out of my way to erase it. The way I am with deleting posts on here's basically how I am with everything I do.
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Well-known member
strange behaviour - i suppose an armchair psychologist reading would be that the neverending supply of information at your fingertips and your adeptness at recalling it has rendered you in a state of perpetual disjuncture between the different options you could go for. informatin overload basically?


Well-known member
Maybe. I think it's more that I see other people as a threat and putting yourself out there in any way at all offers them a target.
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interesting to ponder the 'leave no trace' philosophy that exists in nature circles as something that might start to become a thing online as well. i suppose it's what 4chan is ultimately, but it of course also means the opposite of that. lurking i suppose, but even less


Well-known member
yeah i get that - you wanna leave no trace online, cos you instinctively feel that you can be 'got'
Totally, like imagine someone went through some of the 'banter' threads on here and pulled comments out of context. You could make this place look horrendous.


Well-known member
interesting to ponder the 'leave no trace' philosophy that exists in nature circles as something that might start to become a thing online as well. i suppose it's what 4chan is ultimately, but it of course also means the opposite of that. lurking i suppose, but even less
It isn't really possible online. It's all recorded somewhere.


Well-known member
obviously craner couldn't give 2 fucks, nor luke and say mr tea. corpsey perhaps unwillingly. it's like the privacy/surveillance thing isn't it i suppose.... like yeah, someone could be watching and something could happen but really...

dissensus is like the knights watch


Well-known member
I think Craner's bothered, but not to the same extent I am. Corpse sometimes gets embarrassed at old comments of his. Luka very much doesn't seem to care at all and probably the same for Tea.


Well-known member
It's just an extension of how you view the world really. I'm the sort of person who's constantly on their toes anticipating how someone's going to try to fuck me over, so it extends to how I view the internet. Everything feels like a trap or scam to me.


Well-known member
I have a similar compulsion—I'll spend a week binging on twitter, posting outlandish amounts of content, yukking it up for the hoi polloi, and then am suddenly struck by a feeling—I simply cannot cope with being seen online; to be visible. I deactivate my account, which of course makes the last ten years of my online output entirely hidden, wrecking all sorts of conversations and occasionally drawing questioning—"are you okay? What happened to your account?"

sometimes one cannot bear to propriocept on the digital savannah


Well-known member
You can't delete accounts on here and can only edit or delete a post within six hours of posting it now, so I can't be as neurotic on Dissensus, but I've had tons of Reddit accounts, Discord usernames etc.


Well-known member
You can't delete accounts on here and can only edit or delete a post within six hours of posting it now, so I can't be as neurotic on Dissensus, but I've had tons of Reddit accounts, Discord usernames etc.
simple way to delete your account is to just start posting all kinds of shite, thousands of messages, all quite rude, constant vandalism. mods will step in to remove your ability to post quite quickly I'm sure.


Well-known member
I actually think we keep it pretty PG 13 on here. The most risque we get is luka screaming about pedophilia-genocide, and everyone is generally friendly.


Well-known member
Would like to see a little more filth but I sympathize with the fear of being seen online. I accidently linked a real life friend here recently and had a minor panic attack


Well-known member
Im positive I will look back on old comments and get embarrassed, has already happened, but I do try and leverage the anonymity of this place for an exercise in foregoing self censorship, so thats in part the point.