Woofah issue 1: Reggae/Dubstep/Grime fanzine OUT


thread death
Glad it's reaching people and going down well! :)

Errr, sounds like you got a limited edition balls up version there Jenks, really sorry about that! :eek:

Do you want a replacement copy or will you treasure this rare artefact for later profit on ebay?

Don't worry John.

Seems like the prancehall download over in Misc. is a perfect partner to some of the stuff in Woofah 1.


entered apprentice
Its great stuff. I agree jack the reviews, (mainly as Mister Sloane says, they're about three months out of date-ish!). Oh and longer pieces please, the one on Dr William Henry was really fascinating, I knew nothing about this chap before reading the interview, interesting tangents on the homophobia issue etc, could have stood to be twice as long...

More THINK-PIECES also (it is a fanzine yes?)

Delivery was shockingly swift.


finally got my hands on it, sufi reliably 1 month behind everybody :rolleyes:
so just to say: thanks a million, that's fookin lush :D :D :D

will report back more later when i've been thru it properly ... so far trying to savour the kwality xxx

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
We still want som form of reviews because the individual pieces of music need to be discussed and examined, and we want to write in a sufficiently reflective and interesting manner to be worth reading months after their release. Most of them have been battered for months on dubplate as well. Though there's scope for the reviews giving attention to lesser known music, as well as talking a bit more deeply about known stuff.

Plus we've a bunch of promo stuff this time so we'll be reviewing most things only a couple of weeks after their release hopefully. :)


Well-known member
i LOVE the badman piece in this :D

i also like how the reviews - for once - arent either over weighty broadsheet type stuff or a bit press-release-y like in say, RWD or some of the dance mags. i dont mind that theyre a bit dated - its not like this stuff is getting reviews everywhere and its nice to see objective, intelligent in depth reviews from fans of it.

great mag.


Darned cockwombles.
i also like how the reviews - for once - arent either over weighty broadsheet type stuff or a bit press-release-y like in say, RWD or some of the dance mags. i dont mind that theyre a bit dated - its not like this stuff is getting reviews everywhere and its nice to see objective, intelligent in depth reviews from fans of it.

second this definitely - please don't get rid of the reviews section! OK, so the grime section seemed fairly obvious to me, but that's only cos I read Dissensus grimethreads a little too much! The other stuff was all new to me, and, I'm sure, very worthwhile tracking down.


is this getting any in-store distro on this side of the world (i.e. canada + us)?

so far just Sound Unlikely in ottawa because that's where i am. i've contacted Pages in toronto but they haven't gotten back to me. but hopefully more will pick up on it. if i make it down there in a couple of weeks i'm going to shop it around.


Well-known member
cool! maybe i'll just go ahead and order it online tho, to beat the rush on the copies at rotate this and pages :)

Grievous Angel

Beast of Burden
Following the excellent review in the Boomkat newsletter, I should clarify that Grime Fiction was NOT by Martin Clark / Blackdown.


I have been wanting this for ages but I can't bear to use paypal and hadn't been able to hack my girlfriends (could have just asked but where's the fun?) so I was very pleased to see I could get it from BoomKat so it is finally ordered. I wonder if BoomKat could setup a subscription for it? I'd be happy for it to be autobilled and just sent out - less hassle for me and more likelihood of repeat revenue for the mag. Just a thought.

Actually I wish I could subscribe to artists/labels on Boomkat in the same way. Just tick a few boxes and then any releases on DMZ label or by Artist "The Bug" they just auto-bill me and send the CD/Vinyl (delete as appropriate) straight in the post on the day of arrival.

Drifted a bit there so yeah big up for this, looks amazing hopefully it will arrive in the post tomorrow. Good idea for Boomkat tho as I ordered two CD's while I was there, not that I needed another two it just seemed silly to only part with £3.00 when there was all that other stuff :)
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john eden

male pale and stale
Following the excellent review in the Boomkat newsletter, I should clarify that Grime Fiction was NOT by Martin Clark / Blackdown.

Though, to be fair, I do find it quite funny that people might think that. :D

If we knew someone called Chantelle F or Logan S, they would be in with a good chance of doing a similar piece in issue 2. :slanted:

Hi Blu! - we can always work out payment by cheque but it is a pain in the arse - hope you like the mag! We've got it in warpmart and Dub Vendor too now...


Well-known member
Though, to be fair, I do find it quite funny that people might think that. :D

If we knew someone called Chantelle F or Logan S, they would be in with a good chance of doing a similar piece in issue 2. :slanted:

Hi Blu! - we can always work out payment by cheque but it is a pain in the arse - hope you like the mag! We've got it in warpmart and Dub Vendor too now...

Have plundered the achieves of that guys blog pretty extensively whilst board at work, the vitriol is astounding. Dead funny.


entered apprentice
Aye Beyond The Implode is amazing. Best ever post was the one about bloggers (in a similar style to the nme story in woofah actually, but much much funnier, if only cos it was such an accurate pisstake of Dissensus-oriented blog culture...)