d r u g s

  • LSD and related: Shrooms / Mescaline / DMT

    Votes: 17 40.5%
  • MDMA / Ecstasy

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • Other (GHB, K, etc)

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters


entered apprentice
Seriously though, someone should write a 'trip report' for erowid about imbibing the Water Of Life and seeing the whole of humanity's future mapped out before himself as an subtle, shifting nexus of possible histories before being spiritually reborn in a tribal ceremony that involves riding through the desert on a gaint sand-worm...I reckon they'd love that. Probably give it a little blue star, even. :D

so long as the"Water of life" isn't that stuff with the street name "Winnie".

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
I believe it's "the liquid exhalation of a captive sandworm at the moment of its death", so it could well be considered that.

A bit like that coffee where the beans are retrieved from the droppings of a wild civet cat. I've not had it, but I've had coffee made from beans puked up by Vietnamese weasels, and DANG it was good coffee.
For that extra Toxoplasmosis kick.


the abyss
I thought Wales was Mushroom Central, as far as drugs go? Makes sense, with that much rain and sheepshit around.

ah yes, mushrooms. everyone takes them there even the most boring middle aged conservative looking people. they grow in my parents garden as it on top of a mountain. not enough to trip on though, just a few sporadic patches.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
i can just picture myself walking round there going "got any melange" and then getting relieved of my mobile phone and personal effects.

You should see if they have any 'clarkey-cats'. Watch out you don't end up on a negative blooty, though.


booty bass intellectual
Hmm... whats really needed tho is an anti-coke that lessens anticipation, lowers expectations, so that anything that DOES occur becomes immediately much more pleasing.


Eidt: Oops you all already went thurr.
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in the sea
Have you people seen this story about the children's toy that, when eaten, turns into GHB??? It looks like a really fun toy too! I kinda want to see if I can pick some up before the recall goes into full effect...


Well La Di Bloody Da
I chose it [coke]. It was never a revelatory experience for me like ecstasy was, and I don’t think I’ve ever had that many genuinely great times on it, but I can never seem to turn the stuff down.

Made me laugh.

Interesting stuff being said here, I brought it 9 : 9 with my vote for e, nothing like dropping a few beans and dancing your tits off/sitting on a sofa/going shopping/playing football. I can relate to what a few people have been saying about psychedelics; letting go of "me" can be bloody hard, guess thats why I always feel like I'm gonna have a baddun, definitely need the right people/place.
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there are no accidents
has Herbert Selby Jr.'s Requiem For a Dream been mentioned? i read it in highschool and thought it was a very accurate depiction of bohemian drug-addiction as the identical flipside of mainstream tabloid celebrity culture. that at the end of the day it's exactly the same thing.


entered apprentice
has Herbert Selby Jr.'s Requiem For a Dream been mentioned? i read it in highschool and thought it was a very accurate depiction of bohemian drug-addiction as the identical flipside of mainstream tabloid celebrity culture. that at the end of the day it's exactly the same thing.

And consumerism! To be honest I would only be interested in further drug consumption in a totally new non-consumerist (medical/experimental or mystical) context- so sick of neurotic consumerism, with drugs as prime metaphor for many other consumer-product interactions.


It's all grist
I went blind on shrooms once. Was sitting there perfectly fine until someone fed me a couple of hot knives, which initiated this tidal wave of horror, followed by total blindness. Staggered outside the hut into the woods and sat down, because obviously I couldn't see jack-shit. Eventually (only a few minutes I suppose) some patterns appeared and then i could see again. The sense of relief was awesome. I felt great! In fact I was almost straight again.

This guy called Hairy told me the best drug story ever once, which i have forgotten because it was complicated and involved psychedelics, the police, a boat and someone falling in the water.