
Obviously what you're saying about is true, no moral scandal will cause Johnson to resign. However bad the thing he is caught doing, as long as it's not illegal or not against an enforceable rule of parliament, then he will stick it out. He can only be flushed down if he can be proven to have done something illegal (and who knows what the score is with this American woman?) or by a defeat in an election or a vote of no confidence etc


Well-known member
I dunno why someone happened to be filming and following him around, but a Labour MP confronted Cummings today.



Well-known member
His sister actually said something about people investing billions in shorting the pound earlier. I'm glad someone's out there making that point. It can't be stated enough.



Darned cockwombles.
£8 billion was the total I saw, by hedge funds that had euthwr contributed to vote leave or Johnson's own campaign. Or both.

Weird that all this has even split the world of finance into moderates and extremists (the moderates were fine to crash the global economy). Ft called for johnson to resign, apparently breaking its own editorial rules on making such statements
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Just gets better and better for Johnson - complaints about Arcturi been passed to police complaints thing, apparently they can investigate cos as mayor he was nominally head of police.


Well-known member
My mate who is a barrister says all the people in his office cheered when bozza took leadership and that one of the reasons he's admired is cos he's a big shagger and doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. Can't help thinking this is true. There's alot of people in this country who have literally been bred to think of themselves and anything they do as completely infallible.


Wild Horses
A lot of those people were Tory voters anyway.

Zizek has got a book out, so he's doing the rounds again, yay! He's been saying that the Left have to push the idea that they're effectively the party of family values, politeness, family stability etc. I think this is right.

Brexit has a polarising force that will trump everything else for some voters. But nonetheless Boris also disgusts many people, women especially. At least with Trump, most of his children seem to be behind him. Boris......not so much it would seem.

My inkling is that people on the right are making some very broad-brush assumptions about 'the people' that may not play out at the election.


Darned cockwombles.
There is something really weird going on there at a familial level. Seems key to understanding how this is panning out. Who is Dominic Cummings to Johnson, in a familial system?


Wild Horses
His sister actually said something about people investing billions in shorting the pound earlier. I'm glad someone's out there making that point. It can't be stated enough.

Really suspicious about this narrative. What she says is just opinion, not evidence. If we know anything about hedge funds, its' that they make bets multiple ways and should ideally stand to profit from any outcome, not just the UK crashing out. It's all a bit too conspiracy theory for me.

Byline Times got very excited about this last week and according to this thread have basically just misread the spreadsheet they're using for their big reveal:
Also including to my very Market 101 understanding, a basic idea about markets is idea that all known information is included in prices -surely, if some groups were seen to be taking a huge range of short positions, very visibly, enough that us bunch of dummies on Dissensus are discussing it, then this in itself is going to affect outcomes? Seems a dodgy theory to me.



Wild Horses
If it makes no sense, I'd be surprised to see someone like Hammond try to sell it. But I just take the view that anything that sounds like a conspiracy theory will end up sounding like a conspiracy theory, and for better or worse these are not the best cards to play.
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Really suspicious about this narrative. What she says is just opinion, not evidence. If we know anything about hedge funds, its' that they make bets multiple ways and should ideally stand to profit from any outcome, not just the UK crashing out. It's all a bit too conspiracy theory for me.

Byline Times got very excited about this last week and according to this thread have basically just misread the spreadsheet they're using for their big reveal:
Also including to my very Market 101 understanding, a basic idea about markets is idea that all known information is included in prices -surely, if some groups were seen to be taking a huge range of short positions, very visibly, enough that us bunch of dummies on Dissensus are discussing it, then this in itself is going to affect outcomes? Seems a dodgy theory to me.

I'm not getting excited about this either. Sounds pretty dubious to me, not sure they'd do sonething so... obvious. I mean I guess it's just about conceivable but I'm not gonna pin my hopes on anything coning out


Wild Horses
I think Hammond just repeated with Rachel Johnson said, but yeah, he is known as sensible Phil.

Rich - Exactly. I've seen a few people invoke George Soros betting against the pound etc etc. But that strikes me as just not understanding markets, or having a really basic understanding (like me), and just about being able to comprehend what Soros did, and mapping this limited understanding onto every event in financial markets.

I'm going to use this insight to comfort myself when I'm fighting my neighbours for the last tin of dogfood in the British Isles in 6 months time.


Well-known member
This bloke apparently bankrolled the leave campaign and Boris' leadership bid, made a mint when the pound slumped after the referendum result and openly stated that he'd shorted the pound.



Wild Horses
I follow the economist Francis Coppola on T witter (no rel to the director). She said earlier this eve that Odey has lost as much as he's made on Brexit which makes sense to me if you're making these big bets frequently.

I don't think it's a smoking gun, especially when these things are so easy to get wrong. Have a look at the thread I posted above re. Byline.