

we murder to dissect
I find it hard to dismiss the idea that people's corrupted inner states might manifest in sinister comportment: teeth yellowing, wiry hairs erupting from nostrils and ears, a foetid odour emanating from the crotch. But there are perfectly lovely people who are a bit pasty, unkempt, perhaps prone to crotch-rot - no amount of the special powder seems to clear it up - and in fact that's just part of the normal condition of being a bit under the boot of life, some combination of old, skint, exhausted and so on. What may be true is that when we sense there's something a bit "off" about someone, we look less indulgently upon their blemishes - these start to carry metonymic significance, to symbolise what's otherwise hard to put into words.


Can turn naughty
I find it hard to dismiss the idea that people's corrupted inner states might manifest in sinister comportment: teeth yellowing, wiry hairs erupting from nostrils and ears, a foetid odour emanating from the crotch. But there are perfectly lovely people who are a bit pasty, unkempt, perhaps prone to crotch-rot - no amount of the special powder seems to clear it up - and in fact that's just part of the normal condition of being a bit under the boot of life, some combination of old, skint, exhausted and so on. What may be true is that when we sense there's something a bit "off" about someone, we look less indulgently upon their blemishes - these start to carry metonymic significance, to symbolise what's otherwise hard to put into words.

Nature's inbuilt warning system. Blemishes, disfigurement, smelly. But then surely most of the aristocracy look and smell like angels. And there's all the fables of toothless beggars and one eyed farmers being a jesus type in disguise.


Well-known member
BERLIN (Reuters) - A medical document shows that Adolf Hitler only had one testicle, German media said on Saturday, suggesting there is some truth after all to a popular British song that says the dictator had “only got one ball”.19 Dec 2015


is not like other people
against the smugocrats and the i forget the other one. against the smugocrats and the stupid-heads