Winter Warz


bandz ahoy
Maybe that's a stretch

But its definitely a sort of cold, icy aesthetic, even when it's a "hot" song about fucking

Which might explain why hipsters could get into the weeknd Vs TANK or whatever

Literal "cool"


bandz ahoy
It's interesting as you start to realise we associate seasons with emotions/repression of emotions

Which ofc makes perfect sense both metaphorically (the bare dessicated trees) and literally (people wrapped up in coats, much less fuckable)


bandz ahoy
And oh god Eliot again

Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers.


Well-known member
darkthrone said they wanted to evoke the sound of howling winds clattering tree branches together in the norwegian woods.


Well-known member
so self regarding. but compare it to the pictures from only built for cuban linx its refernceing. theyre majesterial.