
this is what spendy is doing on dissensus, so you know

I don't doubt it, however, based on his actions, compared to the guys in the book, he seems to be a lot more professional, making sure he doesn't skew the results by skilfully avoiding voicing any opinions or demonstrating enough charisma to have any possibility of affecting the group. Also at times he cleverly gives the impression that - unlike the agents in the book - he views us almost as proper people, with actual worthwhile feelings and thoughts, though of course he is careful never to develop - much less exhibit - any actual feelings of affection towards any members of the test group.

I guess that, as is to be expected, the field of sinister and patronizing anthropology has advanced over the years somewhat.

And let me say, if observing me in my natural habitat without my knowledge can help sociologists gain a deeper understanding of a much maligned and feared demographic - ie that small group of internet geeks who are stupid enough to still care enough about stuff like books and music to consume them and discuss them - and help them integrate into normal society and maybe one day even make some kind of useful contribution, then I am quite happy to be exploited in that way.
  • Haha
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Come to think of it, the agent must have revealed his mission at some point (or have been discovered) or else how would Max's dad have known that he was the subject of such research? I'm gonna have to ask him about that I guess.
Gonna message him about this now in fact while I remember.


Gonna message him about this now in fact while I remember.
I guess either they told or, much more excitingly, they somehow caught the guy, figured out that he was living a lie, pretending to be one of them but actually gathering data and reporting back to base. I really hope it was that, I would love to hear that story.


is not like other people
Memoirs of Hadrian, Marguerite Yourcenar

As we're talking about drinking in the other thread, here's a relevant excerpt.

Wine initiates us into the volcanic mysteries of the soil, and its hidden mineral riches; a cup of Samos drunk at noon in the heat of the sun or, on the contrary, absorbed of a winter evening when fatigue makes the warm current be felt at once in the hollow of the diaphragm and the sure and burning dispersion spreads along our arteries, such a drink provides a sensation which is almost sacred, and is sometimes too strong for the human head.
reads like a bad translation


bandz ahoy
It is complete balderdash to be fair, only a complete cunt would talk about wine initiating us into the volcanic mysteries of the soil

Although I suppose writing should give you leeway to express and explore things you'd never say to Lukas face when you're trying to impress him


bandz ahoy
late 16th century (denoting a frothy liquid; later, an unappetizing mixture of drinks): of unknown origin.


Well-known member
a cup of Samos drunk at noon
a dainty moresl pon silver spoon
fairy treats to pure for mortal
swallow then come thru our portal


bandz ahoy
spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense.
balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney, guff, blather, blether, rubbish, hogwash, baloney, tripe, drivel, gobbledygook, bilge, bosh, bull, bunk, hot air, eyewash, piffle, poppycock, phooey, hooey, malarkey, twaddle, dribble, rot, cobblers, codswallop, cock, stuff and nonsense, tosh, double Dutch, flannel, waffle, havers, garbage, flapdoodle, blathers, wack, bushwa, applesauce, bellywash, bunkum, tommyrot, cod, gammon, toffee

Vulgar slang:
shit, bullshit, crap, bollocks, balls, crapola


Well-known member
a cup of Samos drunk at noon
a gallon jug, a swig of goon
will get you pissed just as soon


Well-known member
a cup of Samos drunk at noon
does make me so sigh and swoon
so soul is like a balloon
to the velvet sky i croon