
Well-known member
im reading jekyll and hyde, brilliant book. dunno if i'll finish. i never seem to bother anymore,
feels superflueous.


Well-known member
just dont need to read more than a few pages, thats my new stance. just get a feel for it.


bandz ahoy
Are you immune to the charms of a story?

The twist when Dr Jekyll turns out to be Mr Hyde, for example 🤯


bandz ahoy
All I remember about it now is that I loved how it was written entirely in the form of letters, diaries, etc. Like a Russian doll of documentation

william kent

Well-known member
Are you immune to the charms of a story?

The twist when Dr Jekyll turns out to be Mr Hyde, for example 🤯

Ferrara wanted to do a film where Forest Whitaker was Dr. Jekyll and 50 Cent was Mr. Hyde.

Do you still have ambitions to make Jekyll & Hyde?
I wanted to do it. I wanted to do it with Forest Whitaker and 50 Cent, and if it ever came up I would do it, but… I would do it. I think it’s such an amazing story, and it’s right in the groove of what we’re doing. Stevenson, when they asked him why it was such a short book, he said, “Because my wife woke me up.” You dig? That was, like, one dream he had. It was a short book because his wife woke him up — that’s such a fucking killer line. But it’s such a dream thing. It’s written like the perfect script, and it’s been made a hundred times and no one ever made it, because it’s not one guy turning into the other. Jekyll turning into Hyde, that’s the Wolf Man. Okay? He don’t turn into Hyde; Hyde is another person.
It’s a father-son story, really. He’s younger, he’s just a different guy than the distinguished doctor. He’s not a 52-year-old distinguished doctor. He’s a 30-year-old maniac kid who’s going out to rock-n-roll and fucking hurt people. These are two different people. You dig? You can’t do this with the same actor, and no one’s ever done it with two different actors. But that’s not the only reason I want to do it: I love the beauty of it, I love the father-son thing of it, I love the fact that he wrote it out of a dream. I just love the precision of the fucking book. I would do it line-by-fucking-line.

I would love it.
I would too, but don’t hold your breath. [Laughs] Read the book. Imagine my movie.



saw the light
Just started Durrell's Avignon Quintet (it seemed like a lot of reading for $5 on Kindle). Lots of structural hijinks and some lovely turns of phrase, but also a lot of that sort of name-dropping-Englishman-abroad kind of narration that died out in the early 80s, possibly suffocated under the weight of Earthly Powers.


bandz ahoy
I started Bleak House. The first, famous, foggy chapter was great and the second one also good (the desolate flooded aristocratic estate, the trees wet through, etc.) but then chapter three really put me off, a first-person account by drippy Esther (the fog, the floods, the drip) about her orphanage, although psychologically I suppose it's interesting that she's routinely told she shouldn't exist.

I should push through that chapter but it definitely made me want to hurl and I thought, I can't do 900 pages of this