Rock Against Racism '08


Well-known member
I'm assuming you're at college, quite thick or living in a cotton wool world (or all three) but you really need to get over this lazy fall-back of accusing people who disagree with you of gleefully revelling in some overblown caricature of what you find offensive. Yeah, I'm sniggering and nudging Eric Idle every time I use bad language, even bloody makes me titter...

Still, "fighting for the right to use cunt" made me laugh, would make a great Manowar comeback LP title.

martin I'm just addressing this directly

but did you notice that there were a few other people posting in this discussion around the time I wrote that response, some very short posts, of three words, sometimes, centered on using words like "tit" and "twat"? I think gleefully revelling does pretty much cover it. Perhaps revelling in winding me up, as much as anything, but that is pretty much tee-hee-ing in a "we're pissing someone off! go us!" kind of way. So I was responding to more than just you but to a lot of the tone of the thread.


Well-known member
Okay, having thought it over, I do think there is a difference between brits and americans when it comes to the use of the word "cunt." Probably that explains some of the disagreement on this thread.

in America it is much more rarely used, and usually applied to women. Overall, I think it is more heavily gendered. So perhaps I was being american-centric.

I cannot in all my 34 years ever remember hearing an american of any gender refer to a man as a "cunt," only heard it used to refer insultingly to women. And that often. (see, for example, a recent post on --not that i think many of you will!-- where they received another random piece of hate mail being called "stupid cunts"). Nearly every woman I know who has a web presence that gets at all significant has been called a "cunt" in the comments or via email, from anonymous jerks (or sometimes non-anonymous). I don't know if that's true for british women (or maybe they only get it from americans).

So I find it jarring here and elsewhere. It sounds hostile to me, and to a lot of americans I would believe it does as well. the magic of the internet is that different cultural assumptions and context clash much more easily.

So I can grant that in the UK the effect might be different (although I would like to hear that from a woman from the UK say that, I have to say - not that women can't use words in a sexist way, but it does rankle a bit to have a group of men lecturing a woman about what's really sexist). But the way the argument continued was so sexist and irritating it was hard to separate that from the content or the culture issue: I tried to convey how it sounded hostile and was basically told I was making it up, that i was "not a real feminist" etc etc.

a large amount of the argument, especially from Martin, was around what kind of person I was, how people like me, who pay attention to how language can reinforce social hierarchy, are deluded, how my concerns are stupid. I tried to keep my attention on the language itself, and the effects language can have, but it was hard not to get annoyed.

on reflection, while the effects of language are real, I'm willing to concede that they can change in cultural context. Although again, having (as far as I can tell) only men assure me about the cultural context for a possibly sexist word is a bit off-putting... given the gender situation on dissensus I shouldn't be surprised I guess.

and now, on the the topic! ROCK AGAINST RACISM - will they win, do you think? Rock, I mean?


motherfucker, shitkicker, fuckstick and dicklicker say you're wrong.

'Wiener,' 'Poindexter'

I agree with Stelfox on the c-word - it's an incendiary bomb of a short word that when used appropriately - with vigour and feeling - enhances everyone's lives immeasurably.
'fucktard' is a good US swear word. only works on a screen, never to be used as a spoken word.

"Jesus, Troy, you're such a fucktard"
"The world is full of fucktards. Ask Mike, he sees the fucktards"

See, doesn't work.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Wow, only 44% of Britons are atheist or agnostic? I'm disappointed, the Swedes and Japanese are beating our arses in these stakes.
Probably preferable to beating stakes in our arses. Well, each to their own of course.
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"I tried to convey how it sounded hostile and was basically told I was making it up, that i was "not a real feminist" etc etc."
Apologies Ripley, certainly didn't mean to offend or seem hostile, I guess that's just the way I argue, sorry about that.

"in America it is much more rarely used, and usually applied to women. Overall, I think it is more heavily gendered. So perhaps I was being american-centric."
In the episdode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry calls the guy a cunt (for dropping out at poker when he had the best hand) there seems to be some implication about the guy's sexuality - is that a connotation of the word in the US? As far as I'm aware it's not in this country.

noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
I think it would be fair to say that in the UK for most people using or hearing the c word it has next to no association with any body parts or indeed anything beyond being a forceful and percussive insult. Maybe worth carrying out a street poll - excuse me madam, what first comes into your head when you hear the word cunt? ;)

It's very apparent from that CYE episode that the word has different implications in the US. Bloody funny though.

Also, I can see the complaint here but isn't it slightly odd to basically be saying that a word that is used in an intentionally offensive manner is unacceptable because it is offensive in the wrong sort of way?
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noel emits

a wonderful wooden reason
Anyway, yes, back on topic - what knobshiners have they booked for this thing? Is Sting playing?
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From the Independent article:

Thatcher was about to lift the white working-class right-wing vote and I think she successfully did that by talking about "people being swamped by an alien culture".

This is interesting, and something I've noticed before. Do you think that maybe the real reason extremist right-wing groups lost their momentum in the early 80s was that their attitudes were absorbed into the mainstream and diluted by a more nationalistic Tory party, more so than being defeated by left wing activists? I'm sure it's not just one thing or the other, but it's worth considering.

john eden

male pale and stale
From the Independent article:

Thatcher was about to lift the white working-class right-wing vote and I think she successfully did that by talking about "people being swamped by an alien culture".

This is interesting, and something I've noticed before. Do you think that maybe the real reason extremist right-wing groups lost their momentum in the early 80s was that their attitudes were absorbed into the mainstream and diluted by a more nationalistic Tory party, more so than being defeated by left wing activists? I'm sure it's not just one thing or the other, but it's worth considering.

I think it was a twin pronged approach - Thatcher attracted the hardcore xenophobes who were likely to vote NF.

RAR/ANL et al attracted young people and possibly stopped them becoming racist in the first place, or at the every least created a culture in which that was not acceptable.

Almost certainly a generational split in there as well.


Re cuntishness: OK, there seems to be some cross-the-pond variation I'm not aware of, in general in the UK men don't refer to women as 'cunts' (I imagine, thinking about it, that this would actually result in a smack in the mouth from someone else if done in a pub or on public transport). So apologies. I used to know a lesbian feminist who ranted about other women who found it offensive and she smashed a porn shop once, so I was just taking her side...I think...

Re RAR: I've very mixed feelings about this, not least because I dislike UAR / ANL and their way of going about things. There was a fine tradition in the 70s of RAR also using and discarding a lot of bands based on their political usefulness at the time.

It's sad that it takes big gigs to bring people together or to address concerns - y'know, jump around, get pissed, punch the air to Jimmy Pursey singing "White Riot" with Babyshambles, then go back home and do nothing. Ultimately it's just entertainment, the real work begins when somebody down the local starts going on about bloody ethnics. Regarding the line-up, I'm not sure who's on this weekend though I would like to see Wiley and Bishi, who's very good live, and possibly Paul Simonon's lot.


Do you think that maybe the real reason extremist right-wing groups lost their momentum in the early 80s was that their attitudes were absorbed into the mainstream and diluted by a more nationalistic Tory party, more so than being defeated by left wing activists?

I think it contributed, though stuff like the '77 Lewisham riot and physical confrontation played a massive part and proved they weren't the Aryan supermen they thought they were. Also add in factors like Colin Jordan from the British Movement (the ultimate self-styled 'nazi hardmen') being arrested for stealing womens' knickers, his replacement being outed as a member of British intelligence, and several hundred confused youths collapsing in a haze of Evostik, alcoholism, serious depression, in-fighting and backstabbing and jail terms...
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