Go on then go on then draw for the choons. 20 goon choons. The illest drill.
An impassioned defence of a much maligned genre. Why does it matter? Why is it life enhancing? Why should we bother?
An explanation of what makes it top 20 worthy. Quotables.
The great lost RA/Fact/Wire article...
mvuent is going to do a close reading of all of these one by one and we're all going to clap and applaud:
it's not too important whether you like them or not; ideally it wouldn't be possible from your descriptions to tell if you do.
for each post try and answer some of these or things in a...
Hilariously Skrillix turned out to be both the most successful and the most musically gifted of all the dubstep producers. America saved dubstep by making it outsized, idiotic, vulgar, widescreen, technicolour. But I haven't actually heard any of the music. This is a conceptual opinion. What...
What makes an artist po-faced? Why does seriousness work for some and not others? UR or Drexciya can come off as somewhat stern and humourless but it doesn't detract from the music at all whereas the same qualities in say a black metal band may just come off as laughable and make the whole...
Luka tosses this word around like a stanley knife in my face from time to time (and cudgels me with "kitsch") and I want to pin him down on what it means.
Does it mean aspiring to be highbrow but not being sufficiently ... something enough?
Is it a word for pseduo-deep, pseudo-intellectual...
christopher nolan
corpsey's law
gilles peterson
jimmy eat world
lol calm down mate
padraig hobsbawm
stuck in the middle with you
the furrowed brow
the monobrow
thom yorke's anus
thom yorke's divorce
thom yorke's divorced anus
How effective are they? Are they too 'on the nose'?
There's a Not Waving 12" which samples Trump and a bunch of students shouting at Salvini which has been billed as "a reminder to dance and laugh at the populist peckers that dominate global politics right now" with the wider point that "acts...
this place has been around for a while. there are threads with hundreds or thousands of pages that i've never read. what brutal, traumatic message board wars did latecomers miss out on? what were the high and low points? what’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened on here?
camp fire
classic or dud
collective madness
comparing scars like in jaws
corpsey's law
fallen brethren
folk off
folking hell
gather round
glory days
golden verses
half-baked highfalutin balderdash
i hate music
jesus folking christ
josef k's triumphant return
laying down the lore
legends of dissensus
new york nerds nodding nerdily
nigel kennedy
spill the beans
spinning yarns
stay off the moors lads
story time
the persecution of simon reynolds
token female
war stories
what the folk
How much music was released in the 2010s? Once streaming made discovering and sharing new music effortless, it felt like an infinite amount. From every corner of the world, from obscure experimentalists to the biggest names in pop culture, music was more accessible and more varied than ever this...
This has come up a few times now, most recently in the cartoon physics thread, and it's something that really hit me after reading third and mvuent's comments on Autechre, particularly mvuent's suggestion when listening to Untilted...
I was always aware of their background with that 80s stuff...
Let's examine disruption. Uber. Disaster Capitalism. Dominic Cummings. San Francisco. New Burrito App. Revolution in work practice. It owes a lot to the idea quoted below. That to reassemble at a higher level of complexity first you need to break down the previous order.
Music writers, at least the bulk of them, want mostly to be cool. What are the tenets of that 'cool' today?
What are the beliefs and attitudes they conform to in order to be cool? Are these doctrines converging, waxing self-confident? Is conformity of opinion / personality itself becoming cool...
During the Dematerialisation thread music journalist and author Simon Reynolds kept insisting we bring the discussion back to masturbation (something he has since denied). Out of respect and sheer bewilderment we ignored it at the time, but is a rather fruitful topic of conversation.
My friend just sent me this
Got me thinking about a quality of modern pop music that I don't think there was so much of in the past -
I'll now struggle to describe it but it would include qualities like
filtered chords, hinting at barely suppressed emotions...
The 2010s already in the finishing phase, only four months to go.
What was significant of the decade?
#EDM - a terrible juggernaut, coming out of nowhere in 2012, mostly 40+ year old DJs (exception: Skrillex) all of a sudden packing stadiums and Las Vegas
al roker
corpsey's law
crap avant-garde bandcamp stuff
crap avant-garde bandcampbarty
hall of mirrors
making bollocks on an ipad
pungent data
rubbish english rapping
sampled to death
shite with an airhorn
sir luke davis
steve jobs' yacht
the apple aesthetic
the elephant in the room
the elephant with the bassoon
the slow death of traditional media
truly dread
voodoo posse
what is sadmanbarty hiding
electroacoustic music is very different from conventional music. but what is it different for? what do all the years of study and rigorous execution that go into this stuff amount to, from a listener's perspective? does it open up experiences that even more "experimental" areas of popular music...
a juicy red apple is nice
antoine de caunes
as long as the music's good
but not every apple is red
chris eubank
corpsey's law
eating breakfast with
eddie van halen
mr mcgreggor
pato banton
stick to euro-rave
terence trent d'arby
Like any other self respecting adolescent I loved nothing more than wallowing in voluptuous melancholy. Nothing feels better. But at some point in my early 20s I decided that it was Unmanly and unbecoming, tawdry and self indulgent, and that I had to put a stop to it and ever since that door has...
bumming corpsey till his eyes bleed
corpsey corelli's mandolin
corpsey's law
dwarf porn
hidden treasures of the sea
phoenician dyes
shine on you crazy diamond
the twat god bacchus
to bong with a strange animal
used the above quote in an essay on medium a while back but enough
i am young and on the autistic spectrum and probably for half of this decade i've been using extreme deep ends of music to cope. rock is a scapegoat i learned from, drone and noise are basic bridges. i think the past few days...
acceleration of ability
autistic heart
british imperialism
corpsey's law
descent to the merkavah
i don't know what pb is
it's about time
material engines of dematerialisation
off the deep end
pacifier trance
petty burghers
platonic italo
teletubbies soundtrack
the b'ruriah of dissensus
vibes cartle
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