should israel be dissolved?


there are no accidents
i just found this and do not necessarily endorse the message:



this is not even just about you beig a cock. which you are. i abuse craner, who i love, about this all the time. its grotesque. really horrific thing to witness. priveleged little wankers spouting off... just cos you read some newspaper articles, self importnat dickheads... fuck off.... how dare you talk to your betters like that.

LOL, are you serious Luka? Seems like you have more in common with K-Punk than I thought.

FYI, Ive never claimed to be an 'authority' on anything. Most of my background on Israel comes from years of reading due to a pointless obsession with the politics of the region.

I dont really want to be patronising or play into the hands of abusive idiocy here but its impossible.

Pick up your toys, get back in your pram and fuck off before you make even more of a total fool out of yourself.


Well-known member
DRIOD i dont really want to do nothing with you cos we done that too many times... we rub each other up the wrong way... we dont like each other, but we know it, and we mostly avoid clashing now cos we know and thats great, so lets leave it.
i beleive a one state solution is the way to go but i dont get on a soapbox cos what the fuck do i know.


Actually Luka, the only time I have a problem with you is when you start acting like a twat which is what you're doing here. You earned my respect when you were the only person here with the balls to take on the original Padraig when he was being backed up by the Dissensus intelligentsia.

A one state solution does not require the dissolution of Israel, and you certainly didn't make it clear that this is what you were on about anyway.

The reason I called for you to delete the thread is that it came across as being a thoughtless, emotional, provocative and reactionary call fro the destruction of Israel, your reluctance to elaborate or debate only increases that perception.


Well-known member
A one state solution does not require the dissolution of Israel

i think it does in that one state is not a jewish state. its a secular state. two state means you have too many problems around say, jerusalem etc.
the title of the thread is there to be eye catching and provacactive and to register my emotional response, which is, essentially, fuck israel, what a bunch of cunts. i cant beleive they just did that. so yes, it was certainly an emotional response and i make no apologies for that.
yeah you had my back with the irish padraig and i still remember that and am grateful for that. like i said i dont want to get into beef with you again.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
well, luka.

like Droid, I'm not claiming to be an "authority" but I am pretty certain that I'm better informed, if only on this, than you or most non-Israelis/Palestinians, only b/c I have good reason to be: I have family, including my dad, in Israel; I know at least half a dozen people who've done ISM or similar work in the Territories; my stepdad was president of the local chapter of Peace Now when I was growing up; and so on. it's something that's been a rather big part of my life, in one way or another, since I was very small. mostly I wish it wasn't. for me it's generally an endless, gutwrenching, tremendously complicated emotional reaction, punctuated by terrible moments like this or hearing about my friend getting shot. I wish more than anybody I could snap my fingers & they'd just magically come to an equitable solution, but's it just not that easy.

yunno, I'm not asking you (or anyone) to write a freaking dissertation before you can voice your opinion, I'm just saying: if you're gonna say that's clearly inflammatory, if that's your honest emotional reaction, fine, but to make these decrees & then act like you're above other people's honest emotional reactions to what you said, that's just so condescending, & infuriating. anyway, again like Droid, I think you're a pretty interesting dude & I usually enjoy reading what you have to say, & if I didn't think you were worth it I wouldn't bother saying anything. I said all that cos you really f**king pissed me off, and I really think you know better. I mean for crissakes you're a poet - you know better than most people (better than me, most likely) the power words have. so call me all the names you want - sticks & stones & all that - I just ask you do me the same favor I try to do you of trying to engage w/what you have to say.


ive gone into taliban mode again....
it will pass....

LOL, and its understandable, but (and this is just my opinion), I think you were way over the top towards Padraig and you owe him an apology, especially after his last message.

I saw your deleted post on the Iranian hostage thread as well btw... :eek:


Well-known member
i didn't bother reading what he wrote before i wrote that but when i did i deleted it.


pontificate about things you know BSOLUTELY NOTHING about.... posing as authorites... when you read the same websites as i do and gether your informtaiotn from the same places you po fa

I think there is an interesting point in here somewhere (I can admit to feeling a small pang of guilt). But isn't this really what everyone does, especially the journalists, whom we're all reading? Even the "experts" are mostly people who've just read more about you in a particular area.


Well-known member
ok yes i was just doing it on the rugby thread although i think that is slighlty less unwholesome. and again yes 'real' journalists do it too.

although i dont think that 'everybody does it' is a serious counter argument and nor do you.


How do you know something anyway?

You read and you discuss. In a professional setting you practice (after you've spent a lot of time reading and discussing). An "expert" is someone who has been doing this longer than you (relatively speaking).

And how do you evaluate professional or expert knowledge? Again, you read and you discuss.
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