For the record, I think it'd be pretty cool to have the confidence to chat up any woman you liked the look of - and have a good chance of success, I mean - and if you picked up some tips from a book, so what? It's not even necessarily mysogynistic either, that all depends on why you're really doing it and your attitude to women generally. And if you can show a girl a good time in the sack, so much the better.
What makes me alternately laugh and cringe is the idea of there being this whole "community" dedicated purely to pulling and the evelation of it from something completely normal and worldly, that almost everyone does at least sometimes, into some kind of mystical personal-growth quest. All this talk of "enabling" and "empowering" (to say nothing of zhao's marvelous "attaining higher spiritual levels", as if life is some sort of karmic video game with power-ups to collect and bosses to defeat) is vaguely new-agey and self-helpy while at the same time oddly corporate-sounding; I like to think of this combination as 'assholistic'. It just puts me in mind of 'workshops' where name-badged delegates watch PowerPoint presentations and then discuss things in a circle while some goon writes random words on a flipchart.
For a good example of why the "community" aspect makes my skin crawl, consider:
Now maybe this just makes me a laughable old-fashioned prude, but if I had to choose between that^ and lifelong celibacy, I'd start to think seriously about the latter...I mean a 'sex club', seriously? To say nothing of one of which your partner's (or your own!) parents are just makes the whole thing sound about as sexy as a bridge club or knitting circle. "Sorry, I'd love to come out for a pint after work, but I've got Sex Club tonight." Tell me there is something just a *bit* weird about that sentence.