Binary & Tweed
You're just trying to make me jealous
really liked this essay. really like james meekBiskind's published an Easy Riders, Raging Bulls on the 'golden age' of TV, i.e. "... from the debuts of Oz, Sex and the City and The Sopranos in the 1990s to the recently finished Succession."
James Meek · Do Anything, Say Anything: On the New TV
Netflix has reversed the classical publishing strategy of throwing content at the wall of public indifference in
I watched Copenhagen Cowboy last week
neon grading, guest starring all those guys from pusher ( the return of MILO!) plus a low rent 11 simulacrum from stranger things
I feel like Pusher and Copehagen Cowboy may be the bookends of his career
when it finished Netflix "recommended" me a "not making of" where "NWR" says that the original pitch was "a sequel to the Pusher trilogy but with a spaceship" ( which seems to be the weird glow effect off in the distance when all the girls in tracksuits meet-up in the woods and converge on Refn's screaming daughter ) ****** edit
it reminded me of this kids sci-fi series from the 70s called SKY where an ecological minded alien drops to earth and has to interact with a bunch of plum stuck in mouth accented stage school kids trying to adopt "Northern" tongues
SKY episode 1
a programme like SKY would never get made nowadays, the kiddie psychologists would never give it the green light, even the theme tune would be considered terrifying by today's wrap them in cotton wool standards, and as for the tree tapping at the window scene...
****** edit - there is also an admission in the "not making of Copenhagen Cowboy documentary" that he was totally winging it, making it up as they went along, etc
I liked the Copenhagen Cowboy thing, same way as with all Refn's stuff - I like it, i don't understand it and i have this sneaky (in fact actually pretty strong) suspicion that there is nothing to understand and that it's a load of shiny, hyper-stylised, neon bollocks. If I'm being honest with myself I do think there is a better than fifty percent chance that Refn is pulling a fast one on me and everyone else by wrapping up a big glossy load of nothing with just enough hints at profundity to snag us in and make us think that there is more to it than meets the eye when in reality there is way less.
But I'm happy to go along with it and hope I'm wrong. And even if I'm not wrong I enjoy the ride.
I've discovered an amazing TV show called 'Dubai Bling'
I'm guessing that Dubai bling is the blingiest bling conceivable.