Hip Hop '11


Well-known member
nem270 is good, i'm ambivalent about a lot of the producers main attrakionz are working with now as they're getting a bit too close to boards of canada/washed out/??? (i guess as their audience shifts). nem's beats have more of an edge though.
<iframe width="400" height="325" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rZhyondM99w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

dame grease for his production on vigilante season, he's been around for ages but he switched up his style a lot for some of the songs on it.
<iframe width="400" height="325" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FpoUBjbwZ5g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
i wouldnt expect anyone else to car but frenchies mixtape is available. think im the only person not bored of this sort of thing. not sure i will ever get bored of it. beligerent bass.
th song called bumble bees turnd out not to be about bumble bees though which was a let down for me cos i like bumble bees.
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Well-known member
I can't do a whole mixtape of Frenchie.

That said, I'm beginning to think that Southside and Luger really do need to stay in a locked team setting like they've hinted at doing for "Ferrari Boyz". Southside is very creative, but not sonically impressive, whereas Luger is solid but drainingly uniform.

Also, DuFlockaRant had Waka rhyming over a breakbeat, and nobody bothered to tell me? We're this close to Bricksquad regressing into their true origins of generic NYC mixtape rappers.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ADrgcoIy8EA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Well-known member
I am a fan of these beat makers

jon wayne
Ken lo

and others but they just be making beats


Well-known member
i confess to nevere having heard of a single one of the producers ray just mentioned. th big name producer i forgot to mention was drumma boy whos been doing a lot over the last few years most notably for gucci. i feel like i got to do some homework now and find out who all those people are....


Well-known member
aftere some cursory resarch i think your tasstes are a lot more sophisticatd than mine ray. reminds me of mr bongos (rip.) funnily enough i spent some of ystereday having another go at liking mf doom. i try every once in a while. im not one of those people that just dismiss things forever. i keep coming back to things periodically to see if i like it yet. some of my favourite things i had to keep bashing away at bfore i got it. but i still cant gt into doom and i think ive maybe hit a wall with that. ive tried enogh times now.
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Well-known member
Sometimes, I just dont wana listen to raps. Hence my enjoyment of the 'beatmaker' scene of hip hop

Like you Luka, I wasnt a fan of Doom.

I think watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force and listening to the Dangerdoom album opened the door for me.

Check the beats on this Luka -
Some of my faves from the above producers


bandz ahoy
''Operation Doomsday'', ''Viktor Vaughan'', some of ''King Geedorah'' and ''Madvillain'' = my favourite Doom albums. Particularly ''Operation Doomsday'', which is head-and-shoulders above the rest.


Well-known member
madvillainy is as good as midnight marauders or the infamous, say. Actually no, its better.

i agree i like just beats a great deal, when i was into krush in the 90s, it was because i loved hip hop production, not triphop. there'll always be a legit beat scene orbiting around hip hop I think.


bandz ahoy
I could never rate 'Madvillainy' above 'The Infamous'. Just don't see it.

I got into 'Madvillainy' after listening to it a lot and I think it is very good... But my initial instinct when hearing it (''This is just a load of messy, sloppy beats and messy, sloppy rhymes'')... Even though I really like it now I still think that's true on some level. I still find it a bit boring.

Obviously 'The Infamous' isn't perfect but I can't even think of one tune off 'Madvillainy' which could touch 'Shook Ones Pt. 2', 'Start Of Your Ending', 'Give Up The Goods', 'Q.U. Hectic'...

''Figaro'' maybe? ''Rhinestone Cowboy''...


Well-known member
i tried falling in love with The Infamous ever since it came out but never succeeded much other than shook ones. I only mention it because its considered a classic. with Midnight marauders, i might be pushing it.

figaro and accordian are rap classics, it's also one of the last great backpackerish records, probably the definitive doom and madlib record, and it help kick off that whole brainfeederish beat scene. Thats me trying to explain it as a objectively important record, but the point is really, its a record that i love.


Well-known member
thats just an agree to disagree thing then i guess. infamous to me is close to being my favourite album. it tails off a bit towards the end. theres songs i skip (drink away th pain for example) but its otherwise almost perfect in my eyes. atcq are like doom something ive always beat my head against trying to enjoy and nver manged it sadly. i know all thee arguments in their favour. wondefully loud snares or whatever but it never moved me much give or take a few songs... oh my god, scenario, etc etc etc etc thres been lots of ink spilled ovr th infamous so im not about to use waste any more adjectives on it, i just love it.


bandz ahoy
I've always liked/loved Tribe, even though I don't really rate Phife as a rapper (don't really rate Q-Tip that highly either but he has a good voice)... It's more the beats, I suppose. I used to rate the Beatnuts first album as my favourite rap album ever - very different from Tribe but still jazz-heavy beats and simplistic rhymes (except more concerned with shooting people, drinking beer and shagging than Tribe were).

I can see the distaste people have for ATCQ - the hippyish/coffee table aura that surrounds them... It all can feel a bit M.O.R compared to stuff like Wu Tang/Dre etc. To me it seems difficult to engage passionately with their music, even though I like a lot of it. There's something a bit weak/soft about it, despite its charms.

But still, ''Midnight Marauders'' and ''Low End Theory'' are brilliant albums. I like quite a lot of stuff off their other albums too (''Find A Way'', ''Push It Along'', ''Ince Again'' etc.)


Well-known member
Generally, you hear Dilla's name being thrown about but people seem to forget about Madlib.

Madvillany opened the Madlib chest for me, from there. I was tapping up guys on twitter for beat cds.

Oh yeah Samiyam - Sam Baker. YOU NEED THIS


Well-known member
madvillainy is cool and accordion is prob their best but doom over doom beats is better than doom over madlib. madlibs beats are too 'dry' and 'small' sounding most of the time. doom is prob my favourite 'classicist' hip hop producer of the last decade - if you dont like him rapping the special blends mixtapes where he mixes his beats with camron and ghostface and mop etc are worth investigating.

i think people who hate tribe often think all hip hop should be violent or hardcore. tribe are more bohemian and maybe a bit soft (though i dont mind a bit of whimsy) but i never thought of them as soft or a bit shit like digable planets for example. still, even if you think theyre mor or soft or whatever, low end theory is as hard as anything that came out in the early 90s.

infamous is one of the best rap albums ever. i think its actually better than illmatic in fact. madvillainy isnt as good as mmm food or operation doomsday.


Well-known member
thing about madlib tho is that i think he lets his samples 'be', he doesnt do much to them like how dj premier or the beatnuts generally would. i think thats why his beats lack that oomph a lot of the time. he seems to like keeping samples more or less as they were. its more organic maybe, but thats not really how i prefer my beats. hes not alone really, that technique where the samples dont sound that diff to the original source seems to have become common, prob also cos hard knocking drums isnt very popular anymore either. the diff with madlib i think is that cos he uses the SP he still has that grit. a lot of guys that use MPCs get a cleaner sound.


Well-known member
apparently this was what the madvillain album got produced with

just an sp in a hotel room and a kids record player. They then sent it to an engineer, i forget his name but he's great, who did a whole lot of work to it with parallel compression and ninja tech stuff, but didnt have the stems, just the entire beat from the SP outputs. Hence it sounding like how it does, unmixed, reduced, raw.


Well-known member
raw is good but madlibs beats just sound poorly engineered and muddy. not in a way i personally find that appealing. i have the same prob with a fair amount of dilla beats to be fair (i like him much more than madlib tho, welcome to detroit, fantastic vol 2 and ruff draft are all brilliant). it just sounds 'small' and polite, non intrusive. but hey, thats the 'indie' in indie rap i suppose.