Film - breaking news, gossip, slander, lies etc


Well-known member
The time I walked down smelly alley and random man leers near me. ‘Oh yeeeeeeeees. I like them malnourished,’ he says. Malnourished? What?

Or the guy who asked me where the strip club was, got nervous talking to me and then ripped up his strip club bonus voucher ticket. He then had a go at me for making him nervous and ripping it up. And what about the time I walked past Kings Meadow (another hotspot for stoners with too much time on their hands) and see, random naked man juggling? I mean seriously Reading.

And thirdly, Primark – I suggest you do not bother. I cannot think of enough expletives to describe that place. It’s like a warzone. The people in there are just as bad – I would like to thank the little old lady who told me I ‘looked like a pea with a drum,’ when I tried on a hat.


Well-known member
My name says it all, never in my short 21 years on this earth have I been so thoroughly disgusted with a place. I have been to Brooklyn and the Bronx, Leeds, Wigan and Manchester and nothing compares to the filth that malingers in Reading.

Sadly no signs of change have appeared yet and unless something drastic is done i.e. arsenic in diamond white or rat poison in the old McDonalds BSE burger, I can not see the situation improving.


@william_kent and @WashYourHands can you explain why Tibet is subject of ridicule and yet coil get a pass pls?


I used to get handwritten newsletters from Current 93 / Dave Tibet and they had inserts / adverts for 'handcrafted jewellery' from SOL INVICTUS, who as every ANTI FASCIST should know are NAZI SCUM

this is why I take the piss out of a speed addled cannot sing nazi simp fuckhead


I'll be in READING next Friday, maybe for 23 minutes

and then I'm heading for the SOUTH BANK where I will harass the poet for hire on Saturday, enveloping them in my cloud of DARK ENERGY

maybe, don't know if I can be arsed to be honest

I'll probably just amuse myself over the weekend with my Mother's newly installed stairlift.. whoosh, up, whoosh, down

Alton Towers ( SIX FLAGS for our overseas cousins ) cheapskate knockoff



I used to get handwritten newsletters, ( albeit mimeographed by the time they reached me ) from Current 93 / Dave Tibet and they had inserts / adverts for 'handcrafted jewellery' from SOL INVICTUS, who as every ANTI FASCIST should know are NAZI SCUM

this is why I take the piss out of a speed addled cannot sing nazi simp fuckhead

did I tell you about the time I was invited to an AEON OV MAAT RITUAL by MOUSE from ZOS KIA?

maybe I'll chat about it at the next Northern Dissensus meetup


cat malogen
@william_kent and @WashYourHands can you explain why Tibet is subject of ridicule and yet coil get a pass pls?

chaos shift aaaggh, as above where Bill alluded to Sol Invictus

DT cannot vocalise either, he tries (not arguing there) but bit similar to J Newsom if ‘singing’ around ‘unpredictable‘ chords is your thing and you quickly realise it’s a bag of bollocks

Tibet’s far more of a conductor who draws talent in to raise/glue arrangements - dunno know why a studio savant like Andrew Liles (near you) works on C93 guff when his own material is multiple levels above anything DT could conjure, see what Liles and Colin Potter have done as a comparison too

as for Coil, the noncery rumours, I dunno mate there’s taboo-breaking edgelording in what remains a severely repressed society and playing with such motifs (see Julian Cope falling out with TPS over lp art) then there’s exploitation of the young (Topy), followed by far worse levels of abuse - being so openly gay riled enough people as it was (remember all the shit Jimmy Somerville took?) and it’s a short hop to rumourville and I’m by no means conflating sexuality with abusive coercion/control


Well-known member
OK so it's about the aesthetics of Tibet and his association with nazism?

It's difficult for me to get it cos I was not there at the time in any sense, I'm piecing it together afterwards. For what it's worth, the cd comp that Keenan put together is very good and I've had a listen to all 3 of coil/c93/NWW but the view from now is kinda hard as well.

There's some undoubtedly excellent music in there but it's also all a bit heavy.


OK so it's about the aesthetics of Tibet and his association with nazism?

I think yes

I've called him out about the ONA connection and I mentioned the Sol Invictus NAZI crap upthread

he had an album out called "Imperium" for fuck's sake

he adores Savitri Devi*. ( or at least he did in the past, he is known for 'really getting into' something for a couple of months and then completely losing interest )

NAZISM and ESOTERIC HITLERISM are NOT OK in my book ( although I may have read the Savitri biography and I own more than one Miguel Serrano or Goodrick-Clarke book but those were purely for 'research" and I never based my career ( lol wot! ) err my life on that crap)

Tibet seems to have the equivalent of a "hood pass" when it comes to his aesthetics and I have never understood why, but those in the know will always continue to poke fun at the guy

I mentioned that the "Pigface Christus" 12' was the moment that I lost interest in C93 and it appears that Strawberry Switchblade fell apart at the same time because the other art student in the pop band objected to Rose McDowell's growing obsession with nazism due to her association with the C93 milieu

* one of the best novels I've read in recent years was 'children of the sun" where a confused but curious skinhead acts as honour guard for Savitri Devi, sort of explains some of the darkest corners of the 80s industrial culture in a roundabout way


william kent

Well-known member
The trailer for Robert Eggers' (The Witch, The Lighthouse, The Northman) Nosferatu's just popped up on YouTube. Could be good, but can't say I'm excited. Rewatched Coppola's Dracula the other week and, for all its faults, it's still a gorgeous film. This one looks incredibly drab by comparison, also looks to be one of those things shot digitally that are so dark you can barely see anything at times.

Some stills from the Coppola for comparison.


