What does FML mean here?
I take the point that he does at least appear to be enjoying himself. It always surprises me how many of the superultramegarich seem to spend their time desperately working to make a few more piles of money to put on top of the piles of money which they use to hold down other piles of money and thus prevent their being blown away if there should happen to be a particularly strong gust of wind in their underground, lead-lined bank vault.
From the evidence of their actions many appear to lie awake at night worrying if maybe there is an even more sophisticated tax avoidance scheme that could reduce the minute amount of their obscene wealth which is being stolen from its rightful place in the aforementioned money piles, and immorally being wasted on road maintenance or on paying the wages of the poor grunts who go out and defend the country and its system and, most importantly, the money piles therein.
Or the Koch brothers; what is it that drives them to attempt to change the leadership of the country, to change its rules to suit themselves and to ultimately change the ideology of the man on the street to more closely reflect that of their (the Cock Bros) own, when, as I see it, they are themselves more powerful than the leader, the rules they are trying to change effectively don't apply to them, and their only interaction (if I can stretch the definition of that to include the following) with the man on the street is when they order someone to pay someone to pay someone else to pay someone else ad nauseum to make some vast change to the law which ultimately might change the city and then, I suppose, the street of that man? Do they just really really hate people? Is that what drove them from the start? We must become really really rich and powerful so that we can arbitrarily impose pointless restrictions based on our virtually randomly selected beliefs, on to everyone, just little things here and there that will make their lives a little more difficult and unhappy. Ultimately we want to increase the sum of human misery so that people become a little more spiteful and petty.
Some of these people seem to be driven purely by the desire to be powerful enough to change the tax regulations for the super rich, so that they have even more money and along with that they will gain yet more power and possibly even the ability to further affect those regulations and thus gain more money and power and.... so on.
In short, your average billionaire tends to remind me of the line in From Dusk Till Dawn when Harvey Keitel says "Are you such a fucking loser you can't tell when you've won?".
A common response to that line of thinking is the idea that these people are simply built in that way, the very thing that drives them unstoppably towards ruthlessly amassing unimaginable wealth is ironically the same thing that prevents them from being able to lift their foot from the pedal as they cross the finish line and actually enjoy the fruits of their success. I'd love to believe that God created billionaires with this cruel irony built in but I fear it's just wishful thinking on the part of us mortals.... and yet, the fact that Musk is held up as some kind of joyous trickster clown living a life of untramelled ecstasy just cos he gets stoned occasionally, knobs a mildly attractive pop star and says silly things on the internet, does imply to me that the billionaire class are viewed in general as being somewhat humourless dried up old mummies lacking in joy de vivre and pretty much unable to smile.
Honestly my feeling is that a lot of them are having as much fun as you or I would if we could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted, it's just that they keep a bit of a lid on it cos if the world saw the real truth then maybe revolution would finally occur....