Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
as Russians pull out of Kyiv area pictures and reports of straight up execution of civilians with hands tied/mass graves are coming out. I don't want to post the pictures but its brutal as hell. i don't think Ukraine will concede an inch to Putin.
I saw photos of this in my Twitter feed yesterday. Had to stop scrolling. Grim beyond belief. And yes, hard to see how there can be "peace talks" after that.


Well-known member
as Russians pull out of Kyiv area pictures and reports of straight up execution of civilians with hands tied/mass graves are coming out. I don't want to post the pictures but its brutal as hell. i don't think Ukraine will concede an inch to Putin.

reading about it this morning, I think it might bring a renewed sense of outrage from comfortable westerners who were getting bored with all the news coverage and war dragging on, losing interest, etc. guardian article about atrocities in Bucha: three people found shot dead on their bicycles, another shot dead found with hands tied behind their back, 280 bodies found in an open gravesite. horrendous.


I saw photos of this in my Twitter feed yesterday. Had to stop scrolling. Grim beyond belief. And yes, hard to see how there can be "peace talks" after that.
it's extremely grim, and in all likelihood a foreshadowing of even worse horrors to come. but it cant preclude peace talks. assuming the war eventually ends it will ultimately do so around the negotiating table.


Well-known member
I was a bit sceptical about the polled support for putin in russia (since that has a rather high chance of simply being staged) but reading about the hijacked phonecalls of russian soldiers in which they talk with their family back home about rape and pillage (both sides being full on amused and excited) makes the situation a little less ambigious


Well-known member
I guess these have been the tactics of that imperium for a few hundred years now - deploy masses of bored and demoralised youngsters.
makes it even easier to make them into animals.
"russia rules" sprayed on pillaged houses.
doing that are kids who a few weeks ago did not even know why are they there.
hardly kids or even humans anymore.
scary shit.


Well-known member
Maybe the many years of extreme hard bass were just a psy-op attempt to desensitise an already mad population

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Was it the right calling Trump a Nazi ad infinitum?!
No, but it was the right saying that being asked to wear a cloth mask while shopping was "like something out of Nazi Germany." Along with vaccines, teaching evolution, sex education, trans rights, and any other fucking they don't like.

I didn't see all that many people calling Trump a "Nazi" or even a fascist, actually. There were a number of thoughtful articles by progressive writers about why he isn't a fascist.

He undeniably has proto-fascist tendencies and was supported by many people who are unequivocally fascists.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Also worth noting that the far right around the world has, as far as I can see without exception, swallowed wholesale the official Kremlin line that Ukraine is a "Nazi state".


Well-known member
I was a bit sceptical about the polled support for putin in russia (since that has a rather high chance of simply being staged) but reading about the hijacked phonecalls of russian soldiers in which they talk with their family back home about rape and pillage (both sides being full on amused and excited) makes the situation a little less ambigious
i think one thing that's going on here is probably exaggeration or at least amplification of the bad stuff that the russian side of this is doing. there is obviously one very important dynamic in this conflict which is the extent to which the west gets involved, which is a bit tricky given that overall western publics are against intervention in foreign wars, and there is obviously a pretty organized online push to try to nudge public opinion towards heavier or more sustained military etc support

again i don't know anything about this part of the world but i can't imagine that the journalists are having an easy time understanding much about what's going on, seeing as they are probably having to be cautious given how many of them have been killed already.

i'm NOT saying that this stuff is made up or faked etc. although to be fair more or less anything i see on twitter i'm basically assuming is fake videos etc as a default