I had this feeling after an unanticipatedly powerful ketamine trip. Remembering what the floor was.Andrew Garfield's on about doing ayahuasca in a new GQ interview and some of the quotes and photos are hilarious.
"But I have to say, the moment after I vomited, and found my cheek against the toilet seat, this cold porcelain [laughs] – when I realised I remembered what that was against my face, I think I started sobbing. Thank God for the ego."
There may be something to be said for how we experience time as a unidirectional dimensionCunts, I have!
It wasn’t a lot of fun. Bafflement maybe. Could not work out why all I could understand was that time and consciousness became a unified 2D field
Various 4 sided, odd-shaped, rectangular blocks with white outlines (everything else was black) assembled vertically like tiles. Not bright white, more white on chalkboard as if you were looking at the outline of a stacked map of US states. Complete lights off as the shapes faded out and nothing to recall after that other than slowly moving to a 1D spacetime before coming round an hour or so later
Surreal compound, not a drug i gleamed a lot from (apart from being in 2 places at the same time, which was nice)
apart from being in 2 places at the same time, which was nice
Ketamine and busy roads sound like a combination best avoided.a friend of my brother had, what he described as, a nightmare ketamine experience: Saturday afternoon, standing frozen outside the train station in a busy town centre looking at himself on the other side of the the road and wondering "which one is me?"