
Cat Malogen
Pollen was frosting car windscreens recently, next week is looking warm and clear across the isles

Coasts you get on/off shore breezes, might clear the air, Trent valley is a smog trap and too inland for such effects

Might have to tap a few people up for a trip up to Mam Tor, maybe you can unleash Shiels’s dark psychic forces upon the city
Conflicted about this idea. Yes... but.



Cat Malogen
He could’ve said denying people access to publicly funded healthcare. There, done, next

Problem with Nutt et al is in order to trial pvt access to cannabis scripts, Drug Science essentially flopped the entire scheme into a labyrinth of pvt clinics, pvt pharmacies and pvt pharmaceutical brands supporting the supply chain the whole way through. Create an evidence base = yes, create a pyramid sales scheme = no

The scheme was supposed to undercut the illicit market in price. It didn’t, it merely matched it. Farcical, eg signing up as a patient to a specific clinic restricts said patient to that clinic’s formularies in the broader spreadsheet of options available. Why? Wouldn’t a clinician want the best formulations for their patients? Ridiculous

No-one really sussed this from the start, so it’s become compartmentalised and ethics around access and price, the two main driving factors in the debate’s foundational structure, have been shitcanned. £393 a month for a flower and oil script? Who wants to pay such fees? Your mortgage gone up by 400£ a month and this on top, or folks severely ill stuck on benefits, where are they supposed to go?

All of the neuroscience “experts” who straddle brain function and specific psychedelic compounds are increasingly beholden to the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry - funding, grants, salaries, pensions, could add fleet cars too possibly. If medical cannabis has gone so awry, what the fuck will the psychedelic model look like? Boots ads halfway through?

*question marks to no-one in particular


Can turn naughty
Coming soon from X, the everything app: Our talented scientists at Neurolink HQ have developed a way to impregnate your ayahuasca hallucinations with 20% reduced rate mortgage ads that go off every 30min. These enhanced experiences guarantee entry to our 3 day jungle retreats at very competitive rates and all inclusive access to the VIP lounge 🏝️🍹🐠

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Coming soon from X, the everything app: Our talented scientists at Neurolink HQ have developed a way to impregnate your ayahuasca hallucinations with 20% reduced rate mortgage ads that go off every 30min. These enhanced experiences guarantee entry to our 3 day jungle retreats at very competitive rates and all inclusive access to the VIP lounge 🏝️🍹🐠
The only fantastical bit about this is the idea that Neuralink is ever going to work. But if it ever did, the rest is spot on.


Well-known member
Are there people who complain about the stagnation of drugs the way others do music or film? What was the last big recreational drug discovery? Has it all been slight variations since the obvious ones?


Cat Malogen
Thought the charles wave would flatten eventually but damn it’s still everywhere, multigenerational, yet 90%++ purity and an eighth isn’t going to break the bank either. Park that thought, Murphy. You ever get the trace memory scent of clean flake rise up in your nasal attention as if it’s close by? A flicker, a nostril muscle memory twitch and it’s one of my least favourite compounds? Just happened

More mushroom grow kits have moved the season all year round and despite a youth spent inspecting Forest Rec at 6am in early autumn, it’s never been easier accessing. A kid turned up at our lot’s school with a kinder egg containing dried mushrooms a while back, only time I’ve done a drug presentation for an under 11’s cohort

Cannabis markets push new strains constantly, like there are actual limitless combinations of genetics when the real picture is “not unless you want mutants” - potency is chosen over, say, quality of full extract oil available from said flower <- keep it Afghan landrace!

More novelty psychedelics than yesteryear but I’m not really looking or asking, they find you if that makes sense. See people still smashing mdma 36 years after the first shock wave, not a good look. Clammy, reeling in a stumbly shock shuffles, people who have a decade on me, jawing, talking bollocks like it’s an art and, yeah, got messy with the wife and a few close friends NYE but the following 72 hours were pure horror stagnation - “not this state of mind again, don’t you ever learn, what if the phone goes and someone is ill“ - you see through the mirage because your responsibilities are always demanding your time, focus, attention, fluency of thought, trying to run a home. Ie Christmas cheer evaporates Jan 2nd


Cat Malogen
Christmas is a good time for psychedelic drugs due to the levels of light decoration, midsummer for the sweet-spot in nighttime temperature for walkabouts, autumn colours if you start early, why discriminate

Tripping in the snow too, your boots going crump crump crump with a huddle of spangled mates and parts of blitzed psyches lamenting crushing snowflakes with each step, only to see a stray dog and a cleared area of yellow snow right after aaaggggh

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Are there people who complain about the stagnation of drugs the way others do music or film? What was the last big recreational drug discovery? Has it all been slight variations since the obvious ones?
I think probably all the really big ones have been discovered/invented by now, because there's only a finite number of types of receptor in the human brain and a finite number of ways a drug can interact with them. Beyond that it's just variations on a theme. New drugs are discovered all the time, but how many psychedelics that are almost exactly the same as psilocybin do we really need?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Why so glum, @version? I bet you haven't come close to exhausting the possibilities of the drugs that already exist.

Further, I bet if you really wanted to, you could go on the dark web and bag yourself a gram of PCP inside of ten minutes...


Well-known member
Why so glum, @version? I bet you haven't come close to exhausting the possibilities of the drugs that already exist.

It's the thought that even recreational drugs have hit the point some argue culture has where there are seemingly no big new developments on the horizon and it's just minor variations from here on out. No way of knowing, but it's sad to think everything's been discovered.


Well-known member
I don't like the taste of Mushrooms.

They were legal for a while and we used to buy them from the shop, but still nasty to take. Before then my mate got given a bag picked from Cannon Hill Park on the bus by a bearded older man. He ended up rolling around on a petrol station forecourt proclaiming he was the devil and ended up in hospital.

The there's Ketamine. It's a horrible trip. I have laughed my ass off at mates being given it and thinking they've gone to hell, but not without warning.

The LSD we got was weak in comparison but quite pleasant with an E until the brutal comedown off the E while still tripping.

Yeah that's your mate in bed with the bird you fancy. Just stare at the flames.


Cat Malogen
Purple ohms, strawberry ohms.. ohhhhhmmmms

Never heard of Stann’s microdots. Black and flinty rings a bell but I’m probably wrong, ie green microdots, dark navy, black pinhead sized and they’d inevitably break up in a baggy over time

Bill Kent might know more about St Ann’s finest microsavages @william_kent