lolStaring can be dangerous for Germans when they go abroad - there were some gunned down in the USA a couple of years ago by drug dealers because the German woman stared at them when they drove by the dealers. It was a very interesting radio interview and they asked one of the guys involved what happened and he said - they wouldn't stop staring and "shots were fired", he kept repeating that expression- shots were fired. In the UK if you stare at people it can be construed as a very aggressive thing and get your nose broken for you.
for me substance abuse often leads to blackouts, where upon waking up my memories only go back upon a certain time from the previous night. what i noticed is that for me this creates a certain kind of paranoia where even an innocent smile from someone on the street leads me to think all sorts of fucked up scenario's. in berlin, people somehow have the tendency to stare you in the eyes for a longer time and it is freaking me out very often. maybe they met me in a different state? maybe i've said things to them, maybe they know things about me?
With so many deeply paranoid souls on here I'm surprised this never got off the ground.
The 'seen' feature in Facebook chat seemed to trigger it in plenty of people, being able to see that someone had looked at your message hours ago and decided not to reply.