
Well-known member
A few years ago I got thread worm. It was a bit of a horrifying experience because I opened up my asshole in the mirror to check what the weird sensation was and saw all these creatures crawling out of me. I remember picking them off with tissues and watching them squirming and writhing. It’s a surprisingly visceral feeling to know you’re body’s inhabited by parasites. They’ve inside you (a common delusion of schizophrenics). I didn’t sleep all night out of discomfort and horror, but the sleep-deprivation made it all worse. Made it all more nightmarish and hallucinogenic.

Every single time I’ve shat since I always have an inspection. Every time I feel a slight twitch or a twang in my bum I get paranoid. My life will forever be compromised by that experience. PTSD- Post-threadworm shitting disorder.

it's strange (and maybe very telling) that all my paranoia's revolve around poo.


william kent

Well-known member
Rewatched Enemy of the State last night. Very paranoid film. Interesting to place it historically as it was released in '98, three years before 9/11 and the Patriot Act and well before Snowden's NSA revelations.



A few years ago I got thread worm. It was a bit of a horrifying experience because I opened up my asshole in the mirror to check what the weird sensation was and saw all these creatures crawling out of me. I remember picking them off with tissues and watching them squirming and writhing. It’s a surprisingly visceral feeling to know you’re body’s inhabited by parasites. They’ve inside you (a common delusion of schizophrenics). I didn’t sleep all night out of discomfort and horror, but the sleep-deprivation made it all worse. Made it all more nightmarish and hallucinogenic.
Every single time I’ve shat since I always have an inspection. Every time I feel a slight twitch or a twang in my bum I get paranoid. My life will forever be compromised by that experience. PTSD- Post-threadworm shitting disorder.
When we were kids my brother had worms. He described a similar feeling and I had nightmarish thoughts about it. The whole family had to take the medicine which kinda reinforced the idea that we could be infected, every time I dropped the kids off I stared for ages looking for any tell-tale movement in the, er, movement and then I would almost start seeing things. It was horrible but I'd totally forgotten about it. Until now. Thanks.


How do you even get worms? Last time I heard of anal worms (well, before this thread) was reading Mayhew's observations on Victorian London.
You're quite well-heeled men, how did this occur? Presumably not through lapping at a puddle while scarfing down a pigeon's cadaver? Or did your parents not disinfect the AGA?
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Me or Barty? Can't speak for him but in our case... you know what, I dunno, we were very young, I didn't think so much about the how, I was just having nightmares about these blind white little monsters wriggling around, hearing a splash landing and thus poking their heads out of their burrows for the first ever time to check out their new environment. Uurrrgh.

Also, yes I am very middle class. I dunno if you can have an extreme of middle classness but I probably am in the middle of the middle class if you see what I'm getting at.... and I may have grown up in the country. But actually my parents were neither of them so middle class, they kinda rose meteorically to the middle of the centre of the social stratus... what I'm saying is, we never had an Aga, we were never that kind of people. I'm just realising that there are loads of different types of middle-class people with a mine-field of signifiers and shibboleths and customs that mark certain types out to their friends and enemies, just like with prison gangs or mods or whatever - I really couldn't elaborate on this much but we were like the opposite of the aga type.


Well-known member
my friend had a worm come out of his bum while he was at work... i got him to write about it for turntup. he thinks he picked it up while travelling in s.america

william kent

Well-known member
It's interesting how technology can crank up the paranoia from both ends; the paranoia of the surveilled and the paranoia of the surveillant.

It runs from the top right down to the person on the street. The more you can see, the more there is to keep tabs on. You worry about people snooping round your property so you get a home security system, a doorbell camera, and start invading other people's privacy.

Apparently that Nextdoor app can be an absolute horror show for suburban paranoia, likewise local Facebook groups.

There's this on the way now too,


william kent

Well-known member
Phil Dick’s prophecy, cited earlier in TechGnosis, is here: our engineered world is “beginning to possess what the primitive sees in his environment: animation.” In other words, a kind of anxious animism, the mindframe once (wrongly) associated with the primitive origins of religion, is returning in a digitally remastered form... One side of this new animism we already know by another name: paranoia...



I'm surprised I've never quoted this before, especially in this thread:

“Total paranoia is just total awareness.”​

Charlie Manson


william kent

Well-known member
Davis mentions that in the 'Practice of Paranoia' piece. Apparently he was interviewed by Rolling Stone.

Perhaps the most audacious Long Sixties deployment of the term, though, belongs to Charlie Manson. Talking to Rolling Stone in 1970 about how coyotes move through the desert, Manson explains that “he hears every sound, smells every smell, sees everything that moves. He’s in a state of total paranoia, and total paranoia is total awareness.”


Davis mentions that in that 'Practice of Paranoia' piece. Apparently he was interviewed by Rolling Stone.
to be honest, that's how I remember the quote: "total paranoia is total awareness.”

I'm sure that was the real quote from the original AMOK first edition "Manson File"

let's just drop the "just", but honestly who uses goodreads anyway except a bunch of posers?

edit: half a bottle of Havana Club deep, I might be getting a bit bolshy

william kent

Well-known member
so... I used to "train" under a "master"

one thing he told us was "you're in the city centre, you got to be on red alert, all the time"

that's why I never wear headphones in public

Yeah, I don't wear them either, although it's more to give my ears a rest and so I can hear cars and people around me rather than out of fear I'm gonna get jumped. I definitely wouldn't wear them at night for that reason though.


Yeah, I don't wear them either, although it's more to give my ears a rest and so I can hear cars and people around me rather than out of fear I'm gonna get jumped. I definitely wouldn't wear them at night for that reason though.

yeah, that's the point, you need to hear those footsteps increasing in pace behind you.. :)