Not really overheard, so much as something said directly to me, which struck me for some reason.
Working at home yesterday, there was a knock at the door, very young lad, like late teens, carrying a big holdall. He started speaking very briskly, explaining that he had been in trouble with the law with a cannabis conviction and was now trying to turn his life around, beocme a tree surgeon.
So he was trying to get money together for a chainsaw licence, so he could become a tree surgeon, so he was selling usefulhome products...
So then he got his holdall out and showed me a few bits, like a duster for ceilings to remove cobwebs, which we could actually do with, and some fridge balls, to keep the fridge fresh.
Anyway, I didn't buy anything but there was this one phrase he said repeatedly, I mean, his whole speech was like a well-rehearsed script, but he kept saying
"I'm just trying to pull myself out of my own failure"
and i dunno why, but it just struck me a bit... it felt like such an odd interaction, but maybe post-pandemic it's like we are back in the 70s and there are suddenly people knocking on your door, bringing the shop to the house a bit more. But this sort of script, I've not seen that for a while.