padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Those are impressive numbers man
Thanks. I've always gotten stuck around 405 and as I said I've finally just committed to getting stronger. 445 was pretty close, got it moving but I felt my back rounding so I let it go, no reason to grind it out. But yeah I feel like 500 is definitely within reach as long as I'm consistent and avoid injury, hopefully within a year.

Specifically in re deadlift I recommend the following assistance work: single leg Romanian deadlifts (best dl assistance movement I think), good mornings, heavy kettlebell swings. I don't do bent over rows etc but I do row quite a bit for Crossfit/Filly style metcons, and I'm doing a lot of pulling with the Oly stuff as well.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
And yeah in re weightlifting (i.e. Oly) it's a loooot of mobility work, warmup, partial movements to break down technique, etc. I only recently decided to try to get actually good at it. As w anything these days there is a huge wealth of free instructional content on YT/IG etc.

To me it is honestly the most impressive human athletic endeavor, simply because of the insane combination of strength, technique, mobility/range of motion, and athleticism required

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Hope yr posture issue gets sorted out ASAP

And don't worry about PR #s

I mean it's fucking cool to get them, don't get me wrong, to see all of the hard work and consistency producing results, but yeah it takes a long time

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Absolutely, when I go to a sports centre and walk through to the room where my activity is, if I go through the weight-lifting room it's really odd. I feel totally intimidated by all these weird machines, often looming over me in quite a sinister fashion and people calling out to each other all these strange words I have never even heard before.
Yeah well ofc like anything it's got its own culture and lingo

Like when I ask you about some financial thing and you have to break it down in layman's terms. I just know the lifting lingo.

Also machines are mostly useless. Or like they're good for very specific things but in general for ROI on energy expended you're virtually always better off with free weights. Just learn good form first thing.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
The weight doesn't really matter anyway tbh

The only thing that truly matters is quality of movement

If you're moving well with good form, the weight will come as long as you lift consistently and eat enough

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
This is 435

Well tried to attach a video but idk if worked

Actually does anyone know how to upload a video from my phone?


Yeah well ofc like anything it's got its own culture and lingo

Like when I ask you about some financial thing and you have to break it down in layman's terms. I just know the lifting lingo.

Also machines are mostly useless. Or like they're good for very specific things but in general for ROI on energy expended you're virtually always better off with free weights. Just learn good form first thing.

Yeah, I was just agreeing with what you said before. I mean, I suppose I always knew in the abstract that - like so many things - the world of weights and gym fitness has its own language and codes and types of behaviour and so on, but when you actually that enter that room, it all becomes very real and that abstract idea of it that existed somewhere in the back of my mind is illustrated and made solid.

I find in general there are lots of things I "know" on an intellectual level, yet seeing one of them for real, although it does nothing other than confirm knowledge I theoretically already had, somehow changes the way I know it. Probably a very obvious thing to say really but something I often find interesting in the moments when it happens.


One thing I have been thinking about is about the enjoyment people get from different sports. I have a friend here who is a very very passionate guy. I know him via music and he is very passionate about music, so it should be no surprise that he is equally passionate about other things he does I guess, but this one thing really caught me out. He was talking about surfing, about how much he loves it, how when he gets into the zone he has this sort of magical feeling - transcendental I suppose - and I was foolish enough to say how, at times, when it's a great game of football or squash or anything really, you can equally get lost in it, you forget about everything other than the sheer physical experience of what you're doing.

That was a big mistake, I should never have had the temerity to compare any feeling someone could get from their sport with the feeling he gets surfing which is, quite simply, way realer and ultimately just better. I thought he might cry or possibly hit me for a second. Luckily I managed to quickly back down and get out of it by convincing him that I understood that obviously nothing I or anyone else have ever felt could come close to touching the feelings he has when he's surfing.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I haven't been able to consistently work out in weeks now, driving me mad. I was ill for about a week, got better and did a couple of days in a row then caught COVID and I'm still testing positive now and have a bit of a tight chest over a week later.


It's very frustrating when you are under the weather and you can't quite do the things you want to. Some people would probably try and push through but I'm not sure that's a good idea either, it feels as though you just can't win.

I've been lucky mind. Normally do something, today played a bit of squash with Liza and although that's really too gentle for me, it was still a bit of running around. Monday I played football too for the first time in a while - five goals in the first ten minutes too which is very unusual for me. My shooting is fucking terrible - I blame it on the fact that in the UK we used to play five-a-side with goals that were very low but quite wide, whereas here they are very narrow but high. Either I'm still struggling to adjust or I'm just really bad at shooting.


Well-known member
sorry to hear, version. covid is definitely still a thing, guessing very few people are really taking any precautions anymore either. feel better.


Wild Horses
And yeah in re weightlifting (i.e. Oly) it's a loooot of mobility work, warmup, partial movements to break down technique, etc. I only recently decided to try to get actually good at it. As w anything these days there is a huge wealth of free instructional content on YT/IG etc.

To me it is honestly the most impressive human athletic endeavor, simply because of the insane combination of strength, technique, mobility/range of motion, and athleticism required

When I first tried Oly lifting, more than 15 years ago, my coach was a guy who was a Commonwealth record holder/gold medallist who had snatched 180k in the Commonwealth Games, a record at the time. Twice my bodyweight at the time. Always struck me as the most insane achievement.

It was simply a happy coincidence he ended up coaching me - one of few centres for the sport around London happened to be 5m away from my house. Oly lifting is bigger now, obvs, with Crossfit etc
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I’m literally obsessed with my health and staying in good shape, so I exercise four times a week, go swimming and maintain my condition with different supplements. They help me to replace the vitamins that are lacking.


Well-known member
He's laughing because as a hardy sailor, he does not need help replacing vitamins. Unlike @dawnn, he is not lacking,


Doorbell rang, was the postie... so bad, all the way upstairs I could hear her puffing and panting like she was nearing the end of a marathon, think she had to pause half way up... when she finally hoved into view it turned out she was only about 25 years old. She was a big unit sure, but she was dripping sweat and gasping for breath - you should be able to get up three flights of stairs without having a fucking heart attack shouldn't you? I guess if she sticks at the job and actually does the upstairs deliveries then she will get some exercise.


Actually reminds me of this person we know. It's odd cos they are hugely and unhealthily overweight and I've seen them go on fb or insta and say "People are always saying that I am overweight and unhealthy but actually my weight has never caused me any problems at all and I can do anything you can do with no problems".

Before that post I'd never seen or heard anyone mention their weight but I'm sure they have, that's not a lie. The second part though, it's completely untrue - I dunno if it's a deliberate lie or if they are lying to themself, maybe they think it's normal to be unable to walk upstairs or to find it impossible to walk more than about 10m on the flat without having to have a rest.

It's none of my business and I wouldn't have mentioned it or even thought about it - until they they loudly insisted in public that their weight made no difference to their life at all and I did inadvertently find myself thinking about it cos I knew full well that it did I dunno if that was their aim or what.

line b

Well-known member
Ive started doing push ups sort of randomly but constantly throughout the day whenever Im at home. Im convinced this is the ideal way to work out. You never get sweaty, bored, or set anything up/go anywhere and you get stronger