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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
btw, i think this whole blame old people for brexit/tory is so dangerous. can't stand these ok boomer jokes either. to me it feels like paving the way to get rid of them.

All the same, the correlation between being old and voting Tory/supporting Brexit in the UK, and voting Republican in the USA, is pretty striking. I'm sure it's a similar story in many other countries. Do I feel resentful towards people who've already lived 70, 80 or 90% of their lives and have voted to take away opportunities from those younger than themselves? Fucking right I do. And I've had it pretty good really, having had a free-ish (by today's standards) university education, and studied and worked in other countries, so it's not even me I feel sorry for. It's the next generation - my son's generation - who are really going to feel the effects of all this.

Of course that's not the same thing as actually wanting to build a sort of geriatric Auschwitz.


Darned cockwombles.
geriatric Auschwitz.

I don't know anything about them, but in my imagination that's a Throbbing Gristle album.

And on the subject matter, I already felt very sorry for all the people I know under 30, cos they have had way less opportunity than I had in all the ways you mention, and way more insecurity. And now this just when you're beginning to live your life? No to mention successive generations as you say.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I don't know anything about them, but in my imagination that's a Throbbing Gristle album.

It's a real shame that the endlessly funny Beta Lactam RRing Records website appears to be no more, because I could see that being filed alongside Carnival of Prunes by Black Jism Force and the latest release from Synthetic Meat Crisis.


Pay us first or else!


Is that real though? I mean, surely you can't kick people out after one missed payment? If it is real then I guess the aim is to scare people into paying before any law is brought in about rent holidays... absolutely scummy behaviour if true anyway.


Darned cockwombles.
It's great that the CMO is realising that Britain needs a big increase in testing. I mean, I and everyone else knew that a few weeks ago from listening to the WHO, but hey, better late than never. We live in such a through-the-looking-glass world.


Hey Leo - nah, no probs mate. I'm really sorry for my outburst. I was coasting along fine until the weekend and suddenly just flipped out - spending hours on Friday night and all day and night Saturday clicking on rolling news updates wasn't a smart move. Ended up wigging out on Twitter too, over some inconsequential Psychic TV-related nonsense. You're right, it's best to step away and get a break from time to time.

I was always like, terrorism, rabies, nuclear war...? Yeah, whatever. But this has really got to me, and not just out of concern for myself or family or people I know - it's doing my head in seeing people uneasy and trying to find the closest alternative to something they came in for, whether it's canned fish, handwash or washing up powder. Truth is, I don't have a frigging clue what I'm doing or if it's the smartest move or where the hell any of this is gonna end up. Turned me into a right touchy paranoid sod on Saturday.

FWIW, I'm sure few people here have any answers either, but I do like checking in on what you're all doing, as it feels like we're all on the 'same level'. Maybe not experts, but at least united in our love for works of genius like 'Panning Gems'.

So yeah, soz Leo. We should conserve our energies for serious battles, like ESG vs New Order.


Darned cockwombles.
Oh Cognata is a US firm, who the fuck knows then?

Well, chilling American firms like Blackstone own shedloads of property in Europe

Following the financial crash Stephen Schwarzman, the company’s billionaire chief executive, described Blackstone’s strategy in Europe as “basically waiting to see how beaten up people’s psyches get, and where they’re willing to sell assets … You want to wait until there’s really blood in the streets.”


What I mean though is that in the UK you can't just kick someone out after one missed payment, I think they need to miss a few and then the landlord has to apply for an order for them to leave and then if they don't obey that in time they can get bailiffs to kick them out. Probably in the US you can just instantly send in the national guard if they are one second late or one dollar short. I dunno, maybe I'm being unfair but I just don't expect much protection for the guy without money under US law somehow.


Wild Horses
Of course in the modern world we live in, we can actually look on Google and get a live estimate of how busy a place is.

I've looked up a few pubs - in Central London, quiet. Elsewhere, not so much.

Gym Group: In Dissensus' favourite city of Brighton, they're quiet. Ealing, Walworth Road, Oldham - not so much.

I am sure other ppl are tracking similar numbers - curious to see how long this is tolerated for.


(Emily Thornberry) - Demands to know why there are 60 UK citizens stranded in Lima.

(Dominic Raab) - We are working very hard to repatriate any UK citizen stranded in the Philippines.

(Emily Thornberry) - Lima is in Peru !
Jesus wept.


Well-known member
all good, Martin, no worries. we're all a bit on edge and it spills over once in awhile, no need to apologize. I've now made a point of checking this thread only once a day (!), glad I checked in now.

seen on social: "actually, it's only quarantine if it comes from the quarantine region of France; otherwise, it's just sparkling isolation."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
seen on social: "actually, it's only quarantine if it comes from the quarantine region of France; otherwise, it's just sparkling isolation."

Heh, seen a few versions of this joke but that's a particularly good one.
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