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Well-known member
have you heard of the mister sloane he went over there and saw some fireworks i remember him showing me the slides


Well-known member
I might have been a lurker, the name rings some bells..

I've just tried to find some pics, but too drunk to negotiate stupid menus
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Most if not all deaths are unvaccinated in UK at the moment. Talk to a nurse or two

America is very unusual statistically though in comparison to similarly vaccinated countries. Hospitalisations and deaths on the up up up. Is it just quantity of people? Its weird
Is it related to the vax type? Maybe the mRNA jabs are the problem

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The last time daily new cases were at the present level was in late January, when daily deaths were routinely in excess of 1,200. Because, as @wild greens pointed out, it's mostly the unvaccinated young who are catching it. Who are at a low risk of death, but are still vulnerable to lasting organ damage.
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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Vaccine uptake is >90% for every age group over 60 (and >95% for the very old), and <65% for every age group under 35.

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Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Should be comparing with the same time last year because of seasonal effects.
I've seen some straw-clutching in my time, but this is an Olympic-level performance. Why the fuck would "seasonal effects" render old people almost totally immune to the virus but leave young people vulnerable?


I've seen some straw-clutching in my time, but this is an Olympic-level performance. Why the fuck would "seasonal effects" render old people almost totally immune to the virus but leave young people vulnerable?
Why were old people seemingly as immune at the same time last summer?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Why were old people seemingly as immune at the same time last summer?
They weren't. Hardly anyone was catching it because we'd only recently come out of lockdown and there was no international travel bring in in new variants.

At no time before the present have we had this rate of new infections and so few deaths.

But you'll now start on some tangent about the phases of the moon in your Quixotic quest to prove that vaccines don't work and are killing us all.


They weren't. Hardly anyone was catching it because we'd only recently come out of lockdown and there was no international travel bring in in new variants.

At no time before the present have we had this rate of new infections and so few deaths.

But you'll now start on some tangent about the phases of the moon in your Quixotic quest to prove that vaccines don't work and are killing us all.
Reference for the infection assertion? If you mean cases, it's cos we're testing more


Well-known member
vast majority of hospitalizations and, especially, deaths here are unvaccinated people, how are UK numbers so different? do Pfizer/modera jabs (what most people got here) that much more affective than AZ?
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