xmax done and dustedYou were up very late Matthew.
thanks for tuning in dude.Great interview man. Love the record collection as background, instead of the standard bookcase. Also, brought up a bunch of stuff I'm unfamiliar with.
My trouble is largely regarding the discourse of much of this, and what sort of taxonomy ought to be employed to optimize one's understanding. I heard you describe some of this discourse as vedic, which I gather means that its derived from texts fundamental to hinduism (at least according to my understanding, which is largely limited to Wiki here).
But can "vedic" be used more widely than in that sense? I've been using "dharmic" as the master/umbrella term, but perhaps there is some nuance to these terms that I;m not appreciating.
The actual teachings I;ve been exposed to register intuitively enough. I;ve only read the Bhagavad Gita, and the Maha Mangala Sutta, which is quite short and the bulk of which book was largely exegetic. But the usage of conceptually paradoxical metaphors and whatnot actually hits home for me rather naturally - the trouble is more how to organize the discourse, what concepts to attribute to what traditions.
But maybe its fine if much of it blends together.
Nah, we're just humouring him really.So has anyone read this book and wants to talk about it