Edmund and Luka's Poetry Request Corner


Well-known member
Give us some more. Soppy, cynical, earnest, facetious, in love, heartbroken, we take all requests


Well-known member
I put a 'ta' under all his ones but you'll notice he didn't reciprocate. Typical of our working relationship that


Beast of Burden
That's something I would never do if I was being paid needless to say. I'd write something nice. But I watched a Belinda Carlisle video just now and felt so empty and bleak and horrified and I didn't want to write a nice one. It really destroyed me. I hated that side of the eighties, that desolate simulacrum. As a child all that music felt so enervating. I knew it was the enemy.

I can't believe you just wiped your arse with my request!


Well-known member
Matthew got a nice one about his cat.

There's a pause/paw bit. Very clever. Shakespearian.


Well-known member
She'd probably say the repetition of 'under' was sloppy and the compact/contract bit doesn't really work


Well-known member

Following, belly low to ground, soft paw padding,
in the long grass, treading down the dandelions.
Wanting to mimic that grace,
that supple rhythm of movement,
shoulderblades rising
and falling
with each step,
seeing the elegant
beneath the fur.

Wanting to know that alertness,
alive to each fluctuation in the air,
each movement
registered in the corner
of the eye, each sound
falling out of place.

the sudden frictionless pause,
one paw still upraised, rigid.
Eyes wide, ears twitching,
so that it seems
you can almost see
the sound enter.

Become feline, pink skin swathed in fur,
moonlit eyes, enfolded in night, suavely violent.

Space is flattened out, unparceled.
this wall, dividing my garden
from neighbour's garden,
means nothing, we spring
to top of it, stalk
along it, drop
to far side of it.

These are merely marks on the map,
are merely political, merely man made, offer
no impediment to movement, check
no impulse,
are no barrier
to desire.


what did i tell you - these lads really can turn it out. a finely honed craft!

thanks very much davis. will be printing this out.


is not like other people
Edmund can I have a poem about the Industrial Revolution please?

Twenty pounds. It tells
of a new pin (without
associated angels dancing) clean
as the break between
the older poorer world and the wealth
of a new nation.
Lines from the lakes dispute.
It starts in a benighted city to the north.
The water wheels stop spinning, looms
now look like enormous engines.
Factories flourish and houses breed.
Pavements and plumes of smoke.
Candles go out and energy (amazing) lights the land.
The future is coming quickly, conveyed
by canals and explosions. The scene is set for
decades of development, a century
of endless expansion aimless weird wake
of plastic products and politics piles of bodies
nightshifts and no slowdown
new islands and infra structure
insurgents in the mountains​
destroy new buildings, the grinding of gears
clashing of steel, high rise housing and dozens of drills
world trade war and secretive planning and even
more equality ever growing gaps and narrowing nations
images for all the printing press perfected
and eventually outdone​


Well-known member
Reckon that's your best one yet that Edmund you could use this thread to write a new book ultimately