

cat malogen
it’s why he moved there

think of all the cars loitering with intent all around while prudes splutter into their Barbour jackets right this very moment


Well-known member
Oxfordshire dogging hotspots located around the county

  1. North Leigh common layby
  2. Besselsleigh - 'near the A420 junction'
  3. Adderbury - 'layby after the golfclub'
  4. Minster Lovell ‘near the bridge’
  5. Shotover Country Park – ‘the Wheatley end’
  6. Cholsey layby – between Wallingford and Moulsford
  7. Just outside Drayton village
  8. Banbury – car park near M40/reservoir
  9. Sandford Lane, Kennington – on Thames Path towards Abingdon
  10. Witney, Range Road
  11. Wittenham Clumps
  12. Uffington White Horse

The etiquette of dogging: 14 rules

According to various media publications, these are the 'rules' of dogging.

1. You have to wear a condom, to prevent any STDs or unwanted pregnancies. It's even advised to take a box to share around with fellow doggers.

2. Do not 'dog' in front of children or unsuspecting passers-by.

3. Refrain from disturbing the peace or attracting attention.

4. Anonymity is key. No one should reveal the identity of other doggers and you should create a dogging name to protect your identity.

5. Do not destroy public property or trespass on private property.

6. All condoms and rubbish should be collected and discarded of in a bin.

7. Legal driving and parking should always be practised.

8. Agree on a signal or safe word in case one of you wants to stop.

9. It is not generally accepted for a woman to turn up to a dogging location alone. It is advised that she takes a man she trusts with her to protect her interests.

10. Steer clear of areas known for prostitution and drug dealing.

11. If watching, you should not touch unless verbally invited to do so.

12. If you're happy for people to watch flash your interior light. If you want the watchers to come closer or join in roll down your window.

13. Don't leave on headlights when arrived at the scene.

14. When finished, drive around for a bit or stop for food to make sure you're not being followed.


Well-known member
I had to go a "works" thing in Chipping Norton and it was pointed out to me, that the upper windows above a pub which were visible if you were standing outside of Ronnie "from the two Ronnies, but not Corbett, it was the fat, not the midget, one" Barker's antique shop, were the scene of multiple porno films from the seventies

this was told to me by a woman who a colleague speculated "I bet she takes it up the arse'

we never got to the bottom of that


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KLF - Chipping Norton 1989

To the north of London, the illegal Helter Skelter rave brought an awesome line up of performers to a muddy field in Oxfordshire. This included post-punk pranksters The KLF, who demanded their £1,000 fee upfront in Scottish notes, upon each of which they scribbled the message ‘we love you childrn’ before throwing them to the crowd, a dress rehearsal for their burning of a million quid in a situationist art statement a few years later.

"check it out party people"


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Full episode complete with clickbait title

Police Make Arrest At Infamous Dogging Site! | FULL EPISODE | Blue Light