The Weather.


Well-known member
gotten brighter in the last hour but still reminds me of the hours when hurricane sandy was approaching. a weird hue, relatively quiet streets.
unsurprisingly it reminded me of the start of covid, everything being slightly different, less people about, something slightly off. everyone making their own mind up about how seriously to take it. i noticed the J Crew and The Hole on the Bowery have signs on them saying they've closed because of the smog. it was interesting to see the lag in the newspapers when something new like this happens, last night when it started neither the post nor the times were reporting much on it, and today they've caught up and there's rolling smog news as the lead story in the times.

thought i could tough it out and do a bit of exploring and soak up the weird vibes, but ten minutes outside was enough, i can feel it in my mouth
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yeah, I'm bummed because I wanted to be out tomorrow but not sure it'll be much better.


I read about this in NY, in fact one of my friends said on Twitter that he was quite ill after running around outside last night.