Mr. Tea
Let's Talk About Ceps
hahaha! Oh, you.Well I don't really have an ideology do I. I'm not into politics. I think it's a joke.
hahaha! Oh, you.Well I don't really have an ideology do I. I'm not into politics. I think it's a joke.
OK, so genuine pacifists do exist - but consider ideologies writ large: which of them doesn't consider itself to uphold freedom against tyranny and righteousness against evil, and to confer on itself the right to use violence, including lethal force if needed, to achieve this? At the very least you can see this in communists, conservatives, fascists, even liberals (if the "bad dudes" are in Iraq, Afghanistan...), Evangelicals, Salafists, Zionists...Not jesus, nor buddha
People do seem to map their own sublimated aggression and life dissatisfactions into any revolutionary project though. So I'm suspicious of these people. Said with a psychoanalysts eye.
Brushing your teeth every day and the use of toilet paper.What were the long term successful revolutions?
Was Nicaragua in generally a better state or a worse one than Costa Rica, would you say? Or was better in some ways and worse in others?I went there once actually. They were in the economic doldrums, but they'd kept themselves free from American influence and were very proud of the fact. Stark contrast to Costa Rica next door.
Yeah, seems more stark with revolutionaries though. The surface is always about a perfect society, hugging the homeless, peace and love for all mankind. You see how long that lasts though, the moment you ask a critical question.The same goes for any politics. Your fatalism and conservatism correlate with similar psychological quirks. Everyone is fucked in the head and that expresses itself in everything they think do say desire. But you can't dismiss political ideas on that basis.
luke check your messages
Was Nicaragua in generally a better state or a worse one than Costa Rica, would you say? Or was better in some ways and worse in others?
Yeah, seems more stark with revolutionaries though. The surface is always about a perfect society, hugging the homeless, peace and love for all mankind. You see how long that lasts though, the moment you ask a critical question.
Oh, I can accept a lot of comes from the urge for a better world. Dreaming big. But there often seems to be a terrible shadow when these things come into the world. It's part of my attraction to boring old centrism. Sensible stuff that makes incremental positive changes to people's lives. I can accept that's not what the world needs to address crisis but that's part of the attraction. Boring bank managers with big glasses in charge. Steady pay rises and cheap childcare.You have to be careful with this line of thought. It leads to bad places. You end up characterising all left wing politics as envy and resentment. You might as well just say the strong are born to rule at that point. It's the natural order of things