nothing will change. it's a good cop bad cop show. in the end, there'll be another cop ruling.
Hitler Is Not Dead: On Bourgeois Electoralism, Liberalism as the Left Wing of Fascism, and the Politics of Exceptionalizing Donald Trump — Hampton Institute
By Joshua Briond “At the end of capitalism, which is eager to outlive its day, there is Hitler. at the end of formal humanism and philosophic renunciation, there is Hitler.” —Aimé Césaire, Discourses on Colonialism We are in a sociopolitical moment where it is arguably more
Fascism is a socio-economic and political project and system of governing that began the moment Europeans first made contact with West African shores.
Nice work!Have any conspiracy theorists pointed out
Send this to Rogan, he'd love it! Probably offer you a guest spot on his show.I'm now working on a theory. First draft: Bin Laden was never killed. Obama (the secret jihadi) arranged it so that the real Biden was made to look like Osama and assassinated on camera (he was gagged so he couldn't reveal his identity). Meanwhile Bin Laden was given Face Off style plastic surgery to look like Biden. Following this, it was arranged that Hillary would lose to Trump (i'm sketchy on the details) so that Biden aka Bin Laden could run against him in the next election.
Suddenly it all makes SENSE.