
Well-known member
What changes do you expect once Biden is big boss man? How will the world be different?


in je ogen waait de wind
nothing will change. it's a good cop bad cop show. in the end, there'll be another cop ruling.


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
@HMGovt thinks Biden is going to be an insane communist dictator and ban Christmas and Easter, bulldoze all the churches, all of that.

He's also hand-in-hand with BLM, who are going ban the teaching of Shakespeare in schools and universities and force everyone to learn Yoruba and Zulu, at the same time as being a dyed-in-the-wool white supremacist and basically Hitler.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
nothing will change. it's a good cop bad cop show. in the end, there'll be another cop ruling.

Fascism is a socio-economic and political project and system of governing that began the moment Europeans first made contact with West African shores.

Funny, I thought it started around 1920, but what do I know?


bandz ahoy
I'm now working on a theory. First draft: Bin Laden was never killed. Obama (the secret jihadi) arranged it so that the real Biden was made to look like Osama and assassinated on camera (he was gagged so he couldn't reveal his identity). Meanwhile Bin Laden was given Face Off style plastic surgery to look like Biden. Following this, it was arranged that Hillary would lose to Trump (i'm sketchy on the details) so that Biden aka Bin Laden could run against him in the next election.

Suddenly it all makes SENSE.


Beast of Burden
There's a formula being used in the civil service right now for the world going back to normal: BBV.

Biden wins.
Brexit deal is agreed.
Vaccine is found.

World doesn't end.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm now working on a theory. First draft: Bin Laden was never killed. Obama (the secret jihadi) arranged it so that the real Biden was made to look like Osama and assassinated on camera (he was gagged so he couldn't reveal his identity). Meanwhile Bin Laden was given Face Off style plastic surgery to look like Biden. Following this, it was arranged that Hillary would lose to Trump (i'm sketchy on the details) so that Biden aka Bin Laden could run against him in the next election.

Suddenly it all makes SENSE.
Send this to Rogan, he'd love it! Probably offer you a guest spot on his show.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'd love it if Biden finished his inaugural address with:

"So now it is time to get down to the work for which you, the American people, have democratically elected me as President. To whit: the immediate abolition of private property, Christianity and all age-of-consent laws.


ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
This is bad.



If Biden gets in I wouldn't be surprised if the rioting in Seattle and Portland fizzles out and a few of the known/prominent local Antifa are quietly incarcerated/hospitalised/overdosed. It'll please the Democrat voters who "hate injustice and intolerance...but come on, but let's be reasonable, we can't have a real estate crash!" and might win over a few of the lawn order* pro-Trump diehards - "look, we cleared the streets in a month, Trump couldn't manage it all summer!" Kamala vs the crust punks.

I've done four posts in Politics now - mods, please send me back to Miscellaneous.

(* (C) Mr Tea)


Well-known member
Nothing from the trump era, or the Obama era, or the bush era has been excised. Maybe biden being a big nothing will draw attention to america's ugliness coming to a head

line b

Well-known member
I've noticed general arguments for joe biden in other spots online that are increasingly starting to resemble the liberal equivalent of 'that wasnt real communism.' think many do believe that if the dems ever got an obama era majority again they would cease to make the same mistakes theyve been making for the past 50 years. Which would be in part true, but it looks like were not going to see that argument fully exorcised, see how far they really would take it, with the senate remaining red.
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Well-known member
if the Dems don't win both Georgia senate run offs (highly unlikely), no major initiates will get through. it'll be executive orders (which are limited in scope) and smaller incremental change.

if Dems do, by some miracle, win both Georgia Senate races, I think some progressive leaning initiatives will move forward. My hope is Dems, and the nation overall, have over the past four years seen how far the GOP is willing to go to push their agenda forward and are now more willing to be equally aggressive.

A pipe dream, probably, but one can hope.