so.... as unemployed i see that paul mccartney is playing surprise shows close enough to me.... to gget tickets, you must show up to the box office at the crack of dawn.... again as unemployed with no real agenda but watching films reading books and betting on basketball, i say why not stand in the cold for 10 hours for the chance to see paul mccartney in a small venue he is one of my favorite artists.... hes a beatle!
i get to the line at 430am... i feel that i am in a good spot, good enough to get a ticket..... hours go by..... i am freezign, why am i here.... i could be sleeping, it is so cold, i can barely feel my toes.... again i am in a good spot to get a ticket so i hold strong.... hours going by... no word on if there will even be a concert, or when ticketts will be sold, or how many tickets will be sold..... but i hold strong, just because i am close in line and because i have been there so long already, i cant just leave now..... flashback to last night..... i see an online friend post about this whole fiasco saying if they werent lazy they would go in line..... i message them saying i am going to go at the crack of dawn, hinting that they could join me in line...... then around 1130am they message me saying that they are on their way to see me.... i am a bit puzzled by this because i have never met them and because i am close in line and they are going to jump right in with me, ahead of other people who have waited hours for a ticket, so i am a bit nervous of potential hostility.... nevertheless when they show up i am enthuthiastic about our chances and have them jump in line right with me..... we chat it up for the next hour or so and then we hear that tickets will be sold to a show on friday.... the wait is not for nothing, i am relieved...... tiny lottery tickets, that would be handed in for the real tickets, begin to be handed out and as the ticket man gets closer to me and my friend, i notice that he his down to the last couple.... nerves ensue.... i cant have waited this long to miss by just one...... the ticket man gets to me.... he has just two tickets left.... he gives one to me and one to my friend..... given that we just received the last two tickets, the spotlight is on us by everyone in line who just missed..... and all these people were with me at 5am..... they of course arent oblivious to my friend who just showed up an hour ago and miracoulously got a ticket..... they notice and begin hostily badgering and pestering me and my friend for his ticket demanding to know what time they showed up...... we stay silent and do our best to ignore them but they get more hostile and my friend begrundingly gives up his ticket.... i defended him and tried to get him to keep it, but the truth is the truth and people waitede way longer than him, and it is hard to argue that to a bunch of angry rabid beatles fans.... i felt pretty awful that that had to be our first time meeting and they were pestered like that.... again me and my friend were in the wrong, but it was frustrating how mean and hostile people became, and i know we were in the wrong, but i cant let people around me be treated like that so i had to defend him.....
he gave up his ticket and i still had mine...... he stayed with me as we walked towards the box office, and as we walked over, scalpers continously walked up to me and others in line asking us how much we were selling our tickets for.... despite feeling distraught over how my friend was treated, i was quite high on my own supply being the 2nd to last person to get a ticket to see paul mccartney after waiting so long in the cold...i was giddy, i was on top of the world.... i got a ticket and you scalpers didnt! you shouldve showed up early like me and maybe u wouldve gotten one! through my high, i began to entertain these scalpers, knowing full well i was never going to sell my ticket.... a man came up oferring 500 bucks.... i practically laughed in his face and told him to give me 1000 or fuck off! matter fact give me 1500! its all a big joke to me.... as more people came to ask people in line if they were selling tix, i would nod and then ask for 1000 bucks, they looked at me crazy and moved on..... this one woman offered 750, i told her 900 then she walked away..... eventually i got my real ticket and started walking by the crowd who missed out and i smirked over at them all as they kept asking if i got a ticket.... as i got thru the crowd... i saw the lady again.... i saw a man with her too, she said her offer was still open and shed give me jewelery, the man asked for a real offer, i told him 2000 this time! he was like wtf and me as high as ever now that i had my real ticket began to goad and taunt him, making a baby faces and telling him "oh noooo you dont have the money? oh noooo thats too bad"..... then i saw something i had never seen in someone before.... his eyes turned completely dead on me.... he began striding pretty agressively towards me looking seriously like he might strike me.... i was luckily still with me friend and an old lady we befriended and they got in front of me to block him off and he put two fingers to his lips like he would spit.... meanwhile i am baffled this happening.... becoming very paranoid lookign over my back shoulder if someone is following me.... i urged my friend and the lady that we should get far away....
in both of the situations and as i walked home.... i realized that yes, i was likely the asshole in both cases, well sort of, only really in the sense that i shouldve just kept my mouth shut and went on my way after getting the ticket..... i was just bothered by how hostile people were to my friend.... what can i say.... this one french guy behind me whose wife my friend gave up the ticket to was especiallly angry with me and my friend but i remained standing up to him basically telling him to f off we got the tickets u didnt leave us along, but he remained hostile towards me talking shit..... i am somewhat afraid i will see him tomorrow night since his wife has a ticket, and i know i cant resist defending myself and talking shit back to him "KEEP ON YAPPING YOU SHOULDVE SHOWN UP EARLIER SUCK MY DICK GO BACK TO FUCKING FRANCE YOU ASSHOLE" id say that to the french scumbag..... again maybe i just need to shut my mouth and not taunt people..... i was just on a high.... writing this out i feel in the wrong so much..... but its also baffling to me that people just think i will sell my ticket to them after i waited hours in the cold for it..... oh im in wrong for asking for a 1000 bucks? fuck you i waited my time and got what i waited for, so why dont i have the right to make "outlandish" demands???? i dont know how to feel honestly..... but dissenssus always gives me the hard truths.... i know i should prob be more respectful to strangers or to not talk to strangers at all.... i dont know