
Well-known member

I may have mentioned URSI editions earlier?


URSI -Pagan Otherwords - XVI

limited edition superior cards

it was painful to break open the box, I approached it from the rear so I didn't break the seal

lovely card stock, a joy to hold

they fucked it up by the inclusion of some nonsense extra cards depicting the phases of the moon, who needs that?


Well-known member

Tarocchi - Significanti divinatori a cura Elena Cerretta

this 22 Arcana deck is beautiful matt card stock

reversible backs with an understanding of Tower symbolism


edit: The XV card is almost perfect, maybe missing the chains to satan's nips, but I maybe fantasising that as a requirement



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I've been traveling in Italy hence I have opinions about these things now. The Etruscan spirit's peasant perdurance. The way the rows of vines force strange perspective shifts. The way oats and grass outlast pyramids. The way that a missing middle ground creates the sensation of cardstock layers.


Well-known member
I've been traveling in Italy hence I have opinions about these things now. The Etruscan spirit's peasant perdurance. The way the rows of vines force strange perspective shifts. The way oats and grass outlast pyramids. The way that a missing middle ground creates the sensation of cardstock layers.

@sus I was so drunk every time I posted an UUSI deck that I misspelled them, and I'm pretty sure I've done that with the maestro too...

If you are in Itlay then please go to Milan and visit the Il Meneghello shop!

you owe it to myself yourself

my favourite ever Tower belongs to an Il Meneghello deck, but I'm saving it for later

but here's an "also ran"


La Torre - Tarocco Soprafino Milano1835 / handcrafted limited edition reproduction by Il Meneghello ( Corso di Porta Ticinese, 53, 20123 Milano , Italy )

a lovely deck

which contains one of my favourite "ace of staves/ wands"


and the devil card doesn't go full on gimp but I do like this interpretation:

  • Sad
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Do you know if there's anywhere online with high-res scans of decks?

I'm enjoying these immensely but I'm also wanting to peruse the deck more fully, get details etc


Ace of Staves is interesting because it's a tree branch that is very like a human limb. It is the "ramification" which grips & is gripped. Those are oak leaves, right? It's an oak branch, a bloodied stump


Well-known member
Do you know if there's anywhere online with high-res scans of decks?

I'm enjoying these immensely but I'm also wanting to peruse the deck more fully, get details etc

whoah! are you accusing me of uploading poor quality blurry out of focus pictures! shame on you!

just joking.. I'm appalled at my lack of photography skill, but bear in mind I generally only post on here under the influence nowadays, the overall quality of my posts has deteriorated in lock step with the damage I'm causing to my liver

there are a multitude of tarot sites, I find that feeding a search engine with the name of a deck may sometimes produce results...

Is that always the case with ace of staves (that its a tree limb)?

not always, depends on the deck - it's one of the cards I'll judge a deck on

the one in question may act as a sort of rorschach test - do you see a tree or do you sense blood?, etc.,


Well-known member
@sus how about this for poor quality photography?


Elf Tarot - The Tower

one of the rarest, hardest to obtain, modern tarot, it took me years to secure a copy

Japanese kawaii

the number 13 card reminds me of the first puff I had on a glass pipe full of DMT

I thought "what is this? an episode of My little pony?" and then I took a second huff, and then a third and I arrived in another dimension, and my spirit guide taught me about continuum of consciousness - the real 'nuum

  • Haha
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MDMA and DMT are the two drugs that have never wowed me. I'm too resilient I can't be enslaved by their artifice. There is always a sober self in me, even when the visuals kick up a notch, that stays grounded, that says "this is fake"


I have had my ontology temporarily rewritten by disso + psych combos. And once by acid alone; I blame the duration—the steady accumulation of unrelenting unreality. But those, no, nothing, never. Doing MDMA feels like watching a Hallmark Original film.


Well-known member
I have had my ontology temporarily rewritten by disso + psych combos. And once by acid alone; I blame the duration—the steady accumulation of unrelenting unreality. But those, no, nothing, never. Doing MDMA feels like watching a Hallmark Original film.

you probably need to go to a rave in 1992, that will rewire you, but we don't have time machines ( unless Gysin dream machines count? I think they do )