
Well-known member
do you think its true that wiggins found out he isnt the father of his children and thats why he's missing time? I think its true
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Celtics gonna give me a heart attack. So inconsistent, dominating quarters followed by turnovers, poor shot selection, and various mental breakdowns, then redeemed at 0.2 left (by the luck of a clock reset). Some games Tatum drops 40+, other games he takes only two shots in the third or fourth quarter. Home court for game 7 isn't necessarily the automatic advantage it is for other teams, they are barely .500 there in these playoffs. But can the Heat come back after such a crushing late-second loss? Have to admit it was hilarious to see the stunned looks of all the Miami fans who were celebrating and high-fiving when they took the lead at 3 seconds left, what could possibly go wrong at that point, right? Weird series.


cant box, too lanky and skinny

tennis, football, basketball, theyre great

Yeah I saw some video of Americans playing Serbs at basketball and the US guy was like "Sorry man was that a foul" and the other guy said "We are Serbian, we don't call foul - if you kill me maybe I say foul" or something like that.

I was watching some video where this guy was making this argument that if America put more resources into football then it would be winning world cups easily, and people were all going "Yeah, we have the best athletes, I mean, imagine LeBron playing soccer" - but looking at the evidence at the moment I'm thinking they got that argument backwards. There are about fifty people in Europe who play basketball and I believe that about half of the top ten NBA players are European. Imagine if just Serbia concentrated on basketball (at the moment it's about even with football I believe), they would probably be better than the US in a few years. That Joker guy is officially Slovenian but he is Serbian by descent (as I was told several times while I was there).

Also - apologies for this question, you probably have to explain it a lot - but how does the draft work? Cos now you got this French guy who is like seven foot five and everyone has been wetting themselves over him for some time. Fair enough, he looks like he's gonna be good right? And he was first pick in the draft, as everyone knew he would be. But what decides which team gets the first pick - is it just random or does it rotate, or is it based on where you finished last time or what?

Please someone explain it to me properly and I promise to understand and remember.

Also, how easy is it to say how good someone is at this point? I've seen everyone going crazy on this guy, but as a rule how good do predictions made at this age tend to be?


Well-known member
In theory, the draft is based on the previous year's standings. The teams with the worst records get the early picks in each round, and the champion gets the last pick in each round (and then it starts over again at the bottom).

The thing that throws it off is the draft lottery (not gonna bother explaining, it's all there). Also, teams can trade for picks. So a team with the poor record could trade their low draft pick to any other team in exchange for players or other trade picks.

And lots of highly-rated college players go on to fame in the pros, but not always. The opposite is also true: some of the Miami Heat's best players in this year's playoffs were undrafted from college.