
Well-known member
Reading that piece Corpse posted in Sufi's thread and looking through that Mindbloom site has me considering how much time we (people in general, and us on Dissensus) spend diagnosing problems then sneering at or dismissing any attempt at a solution. The diagnosis seems to be enough, so we go round and round restating it without ever really challenging or acting on it, prisoners who never really try to escape.

"But on Byron has been visited an even better fate. He is condemned to go on forever, knowing the truth and powerless to change anything. No longer will he seek to get off the wheel. His anger and frustration will grow without limit, and he will find himself, poor perverse bulb, enjoying it. ..."


As with Byron the Bulb, there must be a perverse pleasure in it. That we can see it for what it is, rant about it, read and write about it, but never put as much effort into getting free of it as we do identifying and complaining about it. This would chime with what third was saying the other day re: the conspiratorial mindset being a form of manufactured opposition which allows things to keep ticking.

There's a theory that the "real world" in The Matrix, the one where Neo can manipulate the sentinels, is actually just another layer designed for those who rejected the first. That's increasingly how I view anything supposedly radical, theory etc. Another layer of the same thing for the people who think they've got it figured out. It doesn't matter to Amazon whether you're buying Marvel or Baudrillard, just that you're buying.

The two problems which spring to mind here are,

1) This post is a perfect example of exactly what I'm talking about re: restating the diagnosis.
2) Assuming it's our choice whether we're in or out.


Well-known member
I want to get out of Reality. Not out of Life. Exiting Life is fairly straightforward.


Well-known member
I want to get out of a life without prospects of fulfilment or challenge or interest or pleasure.


Well-known member
There's a part of us that enjoys the wallowing. It can be cathartic without really having to do much.

“The only private language I know is self-exaggeration. I think I've grown a second self in this room. It's the self-important fool that keeps the writer going. I exaggerate the pain of writing, the pain of solitude, the failure, the rage, the confusion, the helplessness, the fear, the humiliation. The narrower the boundaries of my life, the more I exaggerate myself. If the pain is real, why do I inflate it? Maybe this is the only pleasure I'm allowed.”


Well-known member
That Discord I'm in sometimes falls into that pattern of throwing stones at other people on the left. It seems to be much more appealing than actually working together and doing anything of note. That Groucho Marx - Woody Allen thing of not wanting to belong to any club that would have you for a member. As soon as something takes off or starts moving, you pit yourself against it and start over again.
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Well-known member
I'm not at all convinced it's a political problem.
I'm not arguing it is. I just think that's one way it manifests. The rampant contrarianism on Twitter, everyone sniping and one upping each other. Always trying to be on the outside whilst lamenting being on the outside.


cat malogen
The last people to solve that problem were the rave lot. They found EXSTASY was worth doing. No one since has come up with an answer.

Covid might. Anyone who says lockdown is fun needs shooting. Don’t get me wrong, there’s beauty to it (the madness and chaos) but the times are unlike anything else seen or witnessed. That includes seeing deaths and a ton of other horror.

Everyone wants out. Out is a slippery, deceptive cunt mind. Got any drugs?


Well-known member
I'm not arguing it is. I just think that's one way it manifests. The rampant contrarianism on Twitter, everyone sniping and one upping each other. Always trying to be on the outside whilst lamenting being on the outside.
Those people are not our problem though. They're congenitally toxic. We won't invite them to the party, or show them the exit hatch once we find it. Let them stew in their own juices.
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Well-known member
That Discord I'm in sometimes falls into that pattern of throwing stones at other people on the left. It seems to be much more appealing than actually working together and do anything of note. That Groucho Marx - Woody Allen thing of not wanting to belong to any club that would have you for a member. As soon as something takes off or starts moving you pit yourself against it and start over again.

happens frequently, we're all guilty to differing degrees. I think part of it is an unconscious fear of responsibility, of having a recognized, documented goal, and the related fear of failure. if we don't embrace anything, always jump ship or self-sabotage before we have to put skin in the game, then we also allow ourselves to escape from failing to accomplish something. we can't lose if we're not in the game.