
"That virgin puff was something I'd always rushed, robbing myself... I have to say, I don't think I will ever rush that process again"


These men would say that they appreciate the fine things in life, that they are free and dignified men who live exactly how they want to live, with all the leisures and luxuries, enjoying a puff. And yet look at how close to the neck their collars are. The way the ties hug the throat. You get claustrophobic just thinking about it. Have you ever worn a three-piece suit? A starched and ironed shirt? A man who knows sweatpants knows of far greater luxury and leisure. These mens' "freedom" is propaganda; in reality, there are few men less free.


> Proper management of one’s external appearances simply signals to one’s peers and to one’s superiors that one is prepared to undertake other kinds of self-adaptation. Managers also stress the need to exercise iron self-control and to have the ability to mask all emotion and intention behind bland, smiling, and agreeable public faces.

> The price of bureaucratic power is a relentlessly methodical subjection of one’s impulses, at least in public.


Notice how Kirby and his friends LOVE to shine shoes. They do it themselves. They sit there scrubbing and polishing. INSANE behavior that shows you the incoherences in their worldview. This was the kind of thing you had menial labor do, kneeling, as you read your paper. To do it yourself as part of being "a gentleman"... insane


They tell endless stories that place themselves in some tenuous relation to Somebody Important—Fidel Castro, the Queen, members of the royal family generally, Winston Churchill. Which is of course the most middle-class thing imaginable.