Philosophers and Diagrams


cat malogen

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was going to make a thread of incomprehensible notes to self

I had this same idea do it. There was a period around 2013 I had loads I’d written on drugs but I lost them all

This reminds me of this nasally stoner guy I knew in Chicago who used to carry a dictaphone everywhere and whipped it out to make notes to self starting with “note to self...” !!!

vershy versh

Well-known member
was going to make a thread of incomprehensible notes to self

There's a strange bit in a Gaddis novel where someone aimlessly doodles on a scrap of paper and another character finds it maybe a chapter or two later and offhandedly remarks that someone's drawn the exact layout of some historic battle.


Well-known member
Mount stupid. Though the diagram is slightly wrong, as you never reach the same level of confidence as you do at Mount Stupid.

mount stupid.png