john eden

male pale and stale
i can comment on the diet,

i never eat vegetables ever unless they're blended or puréed or whatever to the consistency of baby food. nothing to do with foreign muck, i love foreign muck. i just can't stand the texture of vegetables, ever since i can remember. my brother is just the same. @luka made me some roast veg once and i ate them all, i was drunk though.
That is... interesting. What is your relationship with fruit, woops?


Well-known member
sometimes he gets annoyed when i mention these details but i think i can get away with it today
but he refuses to have salad in his kebab (replace it with chips) and wont let them put lettuce/tomato
in his cheezeburger


Well-known member
It's my belief that my ability to survive on a diet of meat, cheese and bread only is a feat of autism


My brother is a bit like that. Eats to live. Bland bollocks we call him. You go round there and he’ll openly ask if you want “pasta and red stuff” for dinner, except the red stuff is passata heated in a pan with zero seasoning. Lazy cunt
My dad was like that, no taste buds. Nearly every home-cooked meal was pork chop, mash and greens. My mum once got adventurous and made a lasagne but he just forked it off the plate into the dog's bowl and stormed out. I used to wonder if it was something to do with food poverty when he was younger, but he couldn't make a cup of tea either, it tasted like there was oil in it. I never saw him cook anything except put some bread in the toaster.

My brother in law was Malaysian and his family would make these massive spicy curries, and I'd go round theirs on a Sunday and nearly cry, it was so good. Doner kebabs are great, fuck the haters.


is not like other people
it can be awkward when occasionally people cook for me and dish up a massive vegetarian banquet and i'm very embarrassed but cannot eat that. also get a lot of ha-ha what a weirdo reactions regarding this, but food's always a good one to pick on, isn't it, like frog's legs or chinese restaurants cooking cat, etc, etc

why so sad john? fruit's a bit better, i can eat an apple or a banana but i'd much rather have a fruit juice thx

john eden

male pale and stale
I'm not having a go or anything - if that works for you that's cool by me.

For me it is a huge area of human existence that makes life better though...


Well-known member
in my 20s, I moved into an apartment with a stove that was old and a mess, oven walls splattered with grease. decided to do a thorough cleaning, sprayed the insides with your basic liquid cleaner (a brand here called Fantastik) and scrubbed it down. came out looking good, but when I went to use it, smoke started to billow out and the apartment smelled like burnt chemicals. turns out, you have to use specific oven cleaning sprays that are designed to somehow easily rinse clean or burn off. regular cleaners don't work like that, thought I was going to asphyxiate myself and the cat.

took about three rounds of rinsing with water to get it usable again.


Well-known member
I'm sure there are plenty of MAGA dudes who still wouldn't eat sushi or soy. too effeminate, not red-blooded enough. But despite their sometime/often racists views, Mexican/TexMex food is OK because they can display their machismo by seeing who can withstand the hottest chili.
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sometimes he gets annoyed when i mention these details but i think i can get away with it today
but he refuses to have salad in his kebab (replace it with chips) and wont let them put lettuce/tomato
in his cheezeburger
To be fair, tomatoes have no business on a burger, and most kebab salad is washed in chlorine.


Well-known member
soy boy. that at one point might have even been battered around in the Wuhan thread.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I don't think I actually like eating at all tbh. It may just be that I eat terrible food, but I don't think I really enjoy eating anything. I hate getting food on my hands, stuff stuck in my teeth etc and the feeling of having eaten isn't great. I just feel lethargic and a bit heavier after a meal.

That being said, this may all be coloured by the fact I ate a horrible pizza earlier and I'm still suffering for it.


Well-known member
I love to eat, one of my favorite activities. just got done with lunch and already thinking about dinner.


Well-known member
you might be autistic too version. is there an online questionnaire or something you could do?