
Binary & Tweed
There is something utterly alien about the futurity I seek to channel. Alien and alienating. But I think alienation can be positively reappropriated. An impetus for eternal development and change.


Binary & Tweed
Cheap food's really bad. You get used to it if you have nothing else, but none of it's particularly enjoyable.
To what degree do you see through your own sensations? I find it perfectly possible to find value in them, despite having had their primacy shattered.


Binary & Tweed
Sensations like smell, for example. Molecular bits of substance attaching to unique molecular receptors in some sort of nasal passage, forget the term, receptors each attached to activational pathways in some kind of olfactory lobe, prompting accordingly singular chain reactions of neuronal activity, somehow resulting in the experience of olfactory sensation, unique to each molecule or combination of molecules that were initially received.


Well-known member
is this similar to what i was saying about music possibly being a deconditioning system?


Binary & Tweed
is this similar to what i was saying about music possibly being a deconditioning system?
I still have trouble understanding EM waves, but I understand that its a similarly mechanistic physiology, just one that I couldn't spell out.

Not sure what you mean by deconditioning system though. Like a process that constantly upsets some status quo?


Well-known member
no. just that your mind-body eventually works out the 'tricks' it is based on and stops falling for them.
same with drugs. demystification.


Binary & Tweed
Or the neuroscience of melody and harmony, and to what extent they may condition certain pathways of certain neurotransmitters, associated with certain experiences of emotion, etc. Don;t know the specifics, is what I'm saying.

vershy versh

Well-known member
I'm imagining Stan like Travis Bickle holding his arm over the stove,

"Electrical signals are traveling to my brain and registering this sensation as pain!"



Binary & Tweed
no. just that your mind-body eventually works out the 'tricks' it is based on and stops falling for them.
same with drugs. demystification.
Oh, well sure, what I'm saying is similar then. Only I believe there will virtually always be more mystery behind whatever is being demystified.


Binary & Tweed
I'm imagining Stan like Travis Bickle holding his hand over the stove,

"Electrical signals are traveling to my brain and registering this sensation as pain!"

That makes two conspicuous parallels drawn between myself and Bickle. Maybe I should take the hint already.

Actually I think both were drawn by Version.


Binary & Tweed
I could still be experientially swept up by the second movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony, while conceptualizing the experience itself in a highly mechanistic manner.


Binary & Tweed
In fact, in my case, that would constitute something of a feedback loop, the appreciated complexity only contributing to the richness of the experience.


Binary & Tweed
Of course it would be a naive act of scientism to reduce the experience of inhaling an aroma to a mere process of molecular reception and neuronal activation. It would also consist of whatever conceptual associates have been made with that particular smell, and now we're off to the races of mystery. Staggering complexity to be mapped out here.