
some people are so high on their own supply they can't really communicate in a normal fashion. they just want to keep the machine cranking. they're in love with their own performance.
Not naming names of course


another thing is that he has a set of principles by which he leads his life hence his frequent complaints of inability to achieve any worldly success.
That's what I was trying to tell Luke the other day too

He's like Mr Stevens in Remains of the Day


we murder to dissect
It would be the most fucking awesome reveal if it turned out that dinosaurs were fake all along, they\ve been such a settled fixture of my world picture since I was tiny.


I was talking to my friend RIP DCB and we were talking about how the Kantbot/Logo historical frame—where any association or link between two people is evidence of conspiracy—is pretty absurd. People of historical import happen to run and meet each other a lot, merely because the world of Western elites is quite small, all told. And funding agencies often fund in scattershot ways, hoping to influence many groups they never actually influence, or influence is very small innocuous ways.


I mean I get the appeal of the paranoid, Pynchonesque lens. And it makes sense/feels appropriate for it to come up now, in the Internet era, when such information is more widely available, and collage/schizo pinboarding is the art form de jure of the age.

It's just that with Pynchon, it's all about mood—and I can get behind Kantbot nexus mood—but I think the guys think they're unveiling some momentous, concealed deep truth about the world, rather than applying a schizo projection as art project or flawed but useful technique

vershy versh

Well-known member
It's not all about mood. A lot of the stuff Pynchon talks about is legit. He was referencing things like MKUltra and the Herero genocide long before they were public knowledge.

The difference for me is he's been writing about this stuff for decades, he was doing it at a time when it was fresh and there was a lot of material to mine and he's a much better writer than pretty much anyone taking cues from him.

The stuff you get on Twitter nowadays feels like people sifting through increasingly trivial leftovers long after the party's ended.


It's not all about mood. A lot of the stuff Pynchon talks about is legit. He was referencing things like MKUltra and the Herero genocide long before they were public knowledge.

The difference for me is he's been writing about this stuff for decades, he was doing it at a time when it was fresh and there was a lot of material to mine and he's a much better writer than pretty much anyone taking cues from him.

The stuff you get on Twitter nowadays feels like people sifting through increasingly trivial leftovers long after the party's ended.
Yeah that's a better way to put it

vershy versh

Well-known member
Edburg's got a book coming on Urbanomic.

Aeons without History/Thesis on the Metacartel​

By Vincent Garton and Edmund Berger

A historian and a political economist investigate the occult forces that control history.

If historians measure the passing of historical time by the explosive rhythm of progress and collapse, Vincent Garton's Aeons Without History is a handbook to its conditions of stasis and directionless suspense—the forgotten intervals of hopelessness in which empires rot and prophecies fail.

The wreckage surveyed sprawls from the dawn of civilization to the triumph of the automatic world, from Uruk to Beijing. Out of the gloom, distant yet uncomfortably familiar, we glimpse entire eras in which time itself became directionless, seemingly reduced to ruin. But the edifice of antiquarianism soon begins to crumble, and beneath the surface lies something more immediate: a meta-historical conspiracy for our times.

Edmund Berger's Thesis on the Metacartel begins from a similar premise: something has happened to history. The accelerative thrust of modernity has been throttled, obsolesced by molten flows of monetary mass governed and regulated by an invisible axiomatic system whose contrivances unfurl in the dark corners of offshore financial havens and in the halls of the world's central banks.

Within this occult architecture, technocratic planners outline schemes for the centuries to come, acting in concert with countless spooks and hired agents who thrive in the secret anarchy of the world system. From New York to Basel, from the tropical islands of the Caribbean to the webs of interlaced development zones, the ligaments of this entity are traced and a series of theses concerning the nature of its operations is proposed. Rising up from the smog of non-history is the spectre of the Metacartel.


vershy versh

Well-known member
Yeah, I read some of his blog and it didn't make much of an impression. His tweets are pretty dry too. I'm curious though. It's being published as part of this consciously 'pulp' thing Urbanomic do, so maybe it'll have a bit more flair.


Well-known member
ive got a feeling he doesnt really do flair. i just hope a thesis can be found under all the research.

vershy versh

Well-known member
Berger has a new blog:
