
Well-known member
Where was he? Paris?
no. this was the mistake he made. he thought if he went to paris, which he could of done, he had the option, he would have just had loads of fun with expats. so he chose to go to the most boring place he could find, so he would be forced to talk to the french, and needless to say he hated them


i think they are absolutely correct. there will be problems in the medium term but ultimately i think they are right. i dont think brexit is a disaster in the longer term. there are many reasons why it upset me, but i dont think it is a doomsday scenario
Nah not doomsday, just a general slight worsening in pretty much everything, including multiculturalism.


what if the uk's transatlantic yearning unconsummated hard on for Afro Futurist America is for the midwest and not nyc or anywhere else? london is not *nyc, it's minneapolis [for sake of argument]


minneapolis is a second city among second cities (ie chicago and detroit) but could a map of its neighborhoods be productively superimposed over the boroughs of london? we know nothing about each other


Well-known member
i mean, ive never been to america i just consume it through media so its hard to say.

line b

Well-known member
as in, minority scenes outside NYC and LA dont really get institutionalized with the same frequency here, leaving midwest creations like footwork and drill available for the transatlantic reimaging, unsullied by some universally recognized american form.

line b

Well-known member
Ive read that impending climate crisis could make midwest real estate the most valuable in America come 50 years. safe from the oceans and wont burn like the south will.


could be as it as simple as the UK having a healthier relationship towards its black population and culture?
this gets at it really nicely, yeah.
also chicago is the nyc of the future and minneapolis/st paul is the chicago of the future (because of climate change + institutional-infrastructural Rot on the coasts)


cat malogen
GD release covering runs of shows in St Louis, most are on archive anyway (12/10/71 is huge)

Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO 12/09/71

Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO 12/10/71

Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO 10/17/72

Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO 10/18/72

Fox Theatre, St. Louis, MO 10/19/72

Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO 10/29/73

Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO 10/30/73

Sourced from tapes recorded by Owsley "Bear" Stanley

I can’t post Country Grammar


Void Dweller
the main thing i wanted to establish with this thread was the existence of a "schlubby middle aged white guys watching bad movies and saying funny stuff about them" continuum. mst3k (90s) > rifftrax (00s) > redlettermedia (10s). the midwest 'nuum.