Linebaugh does tattoos


to go on the record now - luka and mvuent have been my biggest fans. Luka more so than my own mother.
Suspended rarely likes my posts and version is openly defiant against my pursuits
I don't go on Instagram but I did once bookmark 100 of your posts, and they are still my only bookmarks, so I won't let this slander slide by without a word


Well-known member
I rarely go on twitter but I always make sure to give a like to suspendeds tweets. often Im the only one interacting. its sad really. I dont need the support, I have thousands of adoring followers, but its a matter of principle


Well-known member
I rarely go on twitter but I always make sure to give a like to suspendeds tweets. often Im the only one interacting. its sad really. I dont need the support, I have thousands of adoring followers, but its a matter of principle
id be careful about that cos your audeince are easily spooked. and its guilt by association


Void Dweller
just some of the data on his studio i collected during our trip. one day long after we're all dead linebaugh scholars will be grateful for such invaluable primary sources.