Neither did I. It's in poems for the millennium volume 1. Good one eh?paul klee's one of my top 3 favourite artists had no idea he wrote poem's
yep. good. i only have volume 3 for some reason. and that reason is it's the only one available cheap in judd booksNeither did I. It's in poems for the millennium volume 1. Good one eh?
And oh look, I've just googled and found a pdf of an entire book of his poems
you don't have to sccratch your head over that oneyep. good. i only have volume 3 for some reason. and that reason is it's the only one available cheap in judd books
good mates with Pierre Reverdy i believePicasso has a couple of poems in the Penguin anthology of Surrealist poetry.
There's a bit of Picasso material in poems for the millennium too but it doesnt seem very interesting. Some by Kandinsky too, but I haven't read those yet. Seems like they were all having a go at it.Picasso has a couple of poems in the Penguin anthology of Surrealist poetry.
Got this yesterday and spent all last night and this morning reading it - blown away.