Universally agreed terrible film(s)


Well-known member
i'll give Drive a 5 and a half out of 10. needed more car chases and less kissing.


Well-known member
best bit about it was the monsterous head of the Jewish gangster he looks like Thanos


Well-known member
Place Beyond the Pines was on the other day, in many ways it feels as though it was the springboard for other films.

For one thing Gosling's emotionally paralysed rider was a prototype for his character in Drive,
Drive came out first though.


I don't think HannahB ever posted again after that. Was it because I used female pronouns? I would happily call anyone whatever pronouns they request, but maybe they should put it in the signature, give a heads up? Otherwise it would be easy for me to miss that announcement, among the millions of messages across the board, and never know! I don't think this is unreasonable. Is it unreasonable?

Luka, you are wrong, and have terrible taste in movies, but we've all given up on you w/r/t this, a hopeless case.

If you don't like this, what can I say to you?

If you don't think this is classic cinema, what can I say to you? The scorpion, the spotlight, the burnt umber?

If you aren't broken by Cliff Martinez's synths, what can I say to you?

If you don't think the opening robbery escape is perfectly, tightly choreographed, if you don't think the pink font is sexy, what can I say to you?


Well-known member
nah its lame, i told you, its called drive and theres only two car chases, the rest is kissing and making goo goo eyes


Drive is two things, it is a myth, and it is a vibe.

I can spin out the myth into exegesis, try to sell you on its merits, but if the vibe doesn't connect, if the patience, the slowness, the ambience doesn't connect, what is the point? What can I say to you?


If you want to be a child that is your right but I can't be bothered to engage with children.


Well-known member
no the vibe didnt connect i thought it was boring and dreary. some of the violence was ok and i liked the two car chases even though they were too short but otherwise i got bored waiting for some action.


ive had to put GTA V on so i can do some cool car chases of my own instead
Reminds me of the guy on vinyl vulture whose review of Drive was "You wanna get yerself a proper geezer in a proper motor" followed by a picture of the Stath in Transporter.


Drive was the first then Place Beyond the Pines then Only God Forgives.
Yeah I saw Drive and Only God Forgives in the cinema but TPBTP totally slid past me unobserved until lately.
OGF us a weird film... like some sort experiment in plotless, characterless, pointless extreme violence. But all of his are strange ), Too Old To Die Young took that even further. In general I think he seems to be making films to a different set of criteria from what is what expected. For a moment these criteria almost coincided with mainstream cinema and a misunderstood Drive, which, if you squint looks a bit like a Hollywood action romance, promoted him to megastardom