
Well-known member
first and foremost, i want to make an upfront declaration that i don't fancy her. i found out what she looked like about a year ago, and i was surprised that i didn't, i had just assumed i would.

i've liked her for different reasons at various points over the past decade. i think overall she is variously quite shit and an absolute genius. i think she fits into the 'arty shit' category more than the 'pop' or 'indie' categories. think there's a lot going on with her, and the overall effect is to get at something quite complex about human experience.

i like the pervert comments. they capture one aspect of the appeal i think. which is that she is doing the female submissive self-objectification thing. i'm always quite surprised that she gets away with it without more commentary to be honest. it's mixed in as well with a really dependent, kind of horrific idea of love, which she valorises all the time.

her second album is fairly fucked up really. she honestly doesn't sound well. she reminds me of kanye in that respect, in that the lack of self-awareness, or i guess just the fact she's realized that it works, means that she ends up admitting to various attitudes and desires which mostly people keep hidden.

there's something as well that she does, that i can't quite put my finger on, which is about bringing some aspect of the attitudes of mainstream US hiphop into a white space. there are bits and pieces of what she does lyrically which are only shocking because they're being expressed by a white middle class lady.


Well-known member
there's an intertextual thing going on with her as well. in that she nicks the names of other songs, interpolates lyrics from other songs into her songs. it makes her seem pretty self-aware. but then any time she says anything in public she seems incredibly unaware of how she comes across.
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pass the sick bucket
this is the exact psychology of a perversion. exact

It's even worse, it's the psychology of a voyeur, of someone who is aware that they are a supreme moralist, but who gets off on knowing that in his weltanschauung perversions justify morality. Pure Marquis De Sade, a bizarre totalising contension that he has the qualities necessary for the critique of judgment. Autonomous liberal rubbish.


Well-known member
people have commented on that weird submissive angle in music before @shakahislop she reacted about as well as you can imagine

listening to one of the songs that Gus posted in here , her voice sounds really bad to me

the mainstream hip hop stuff is very true cause all even now there's spaces and places her music can reach that rappers cannot


Cat Malogen
Mommy, mommy
I think it's much better than that. The highs are existential. More like MDMA than coke. If you're able to listen to them totally un-self-consciously, the way teenage girls are able to, because their social demographic identity is sanctioned to enjoy them unself-consciously, they put you in a mood of pure joy, heartache, whatever's sad is sad in a wistful joi de vivre way, it's completely unambivalent, all for nothing, a value clarity you don't often get in adulthood. In that way I'd say pop music is more like video games. The songs alternate holding patterns and explosion, tension and release. The Lana rollercoaster, beautiful and capital-R Romantic and deluded, lovesick, melody-drunk.

It's sad to forego these kinds of joyful, unabashed experiences because they're considered wrong and uncool or unsophisticated in light of social demographic or personal identity notion.

Very Protestant actually, except instead of God you sacrifice for self-concept.

drugging teenage girls is no excuse, although I agree with the Protestant point a few of these other underlying tensions are problematic


Cat Malogen
you want a good mdma record, one that turns monged dancing humans into moving art, one that deserves to be played twice as a tease in order to intensify the chaos, one that transcends age and pisses on the guff you’re shitposting over (while projecting modes of how teenage girls might engage and listen)?



Well-known member
How bout you tell us LineMan.
I think in part because xcx makes fun music. Its dancey and has a humor to it. Theses qualities are repulsive to the pervert- levity demonstrates the healthy ego relation of the sexually well adjusted individual. this is is why teenagers (all perverts) are so deadly serious about their music. Fun doesnt just undermine the tunes but the entire complex


Well-known member
The melodies on a lana ballad are like a porno thats just outside your comfort zone- you have an attraction to it that your suspicious of (and not neccesarily because its 'girly') And its certainley not something you play around friends- remember at the ranch we listened to multiple katy perry songs but no lana.

The overloaded symolbism of her aesthetic sends the arroused but confused libido spinning and the concious mind begins to form the ambiguous neurosese of the unconcious into rigid pathologies with their own rituals (this is when the think peice is written.) She becomes an intellectual fetish as much as a physical one.


Well-known member
Simply put its pervert music because it deliberatley sets itself up as a stage for whaterever phychosexual drama the listener perfoms atop it. Its less music than it is a space- like a sex dungeon fully stocked with all the toys.
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pass the sick bucket
it's also that she sounds like a bad imitation of a 1950s owner of a slanky gambling joint.

If I want to listen to someone who sounds like theyve got blocks in their mouth, I'll listen to E40, who perfected this.


pass the sick bucket
"You're beautiful and I'm insane
We're American-made"

Some of the things romanticized in Lana songs:
  1. Mental illness
  2. BDSM
  3. White tshirts
  4. Red lipstick
  5. Pedophilia
  6. Fame
  7. Prostitution
  8. Darkness
  9. Boardwalks
  10. Beaches at night
  11. Getting high
  12. Domestic violence

not selling cocaine though.