
Went away for a few days over Christmas. We have a friend - an English guy I met in Russia - who got a job in the picturesque town of Evora a few months ago. I assumed we'd be meeting up frequently over the next year or two cos it's only ninety minutes by bus from Lisbon....

However, it turned out the job was shit and he quickly - almost instantly - packed it in and managed to sort a new job in Italy. He left Portugal just after Christmas - but seeing as his rather nice flat in this famously pretty town was paid up to the end of the year and it seemed a shame to leave it sitting empty he kindly gave us the key...

What has all this to do with fashion of the modern male variety you may well ask. Well, our friend is something of a rockabilly type - so absolutely nothing ho ho ho as Father Christmas would say - and he'd just purchased what he called a pork pie hat and then sadly totally forgot about it and left it at the flat - and seeing as the postage would be more expensive than getting a new one, he kindly bequeathed it to me (or is that only the term if you die?).

As a rule, I tend to think hats are pretty much for cunts unless you're at, I dunno, a wedding or a funeral or Royal Ascot or something perhaps... but as most of you have probably gathered by now, i am a cunt and it did fit perfectly...

In a town where literally nobody knew me was the perfect place to test it out.

What do you reckon?



Anybody want a "pork pie" hat....?


I actually don't mind it... but I have an irrational prejudice against hats. Do any of you lot actually wear hats?

You need a certain kind of style to pull them off I guess, and I simply don't have it...




qwerty south

no use for a witticism
I sometimes think what (if anything) comes next after (luxury) athleisure - many designers have 'cheapened' their product / brand (whilst keeping high prices e.g. Burberry)


idlerich how tall are you? do you fit portugese clothes?

Sorry, only just saw this, I've always thought I was five ten, but in fact recently I've measured it and I think I'm a bit shorter than that, so say Five foot nine and a half... basically about 177cm.

And it is true that things made for Portuguese people are often very small, particularly old things.

Good example is this, our balcony


Those flowerpots along the balcony are nailed to the balcony and sure, they do have flowers, but the main reason they are there is cos the railing is so low - particularly that bit where it's just a railing not a wall, that is below my waist and also Liza's (she's virtually the same height as me) and so it doesn't feel safe. Your centre of gravity is above the railing and so if you leaned on it properly you would just flip over and fall to your death. So the flowerpots being rigidly stuck there and becoming effectively part of the railing make it higher.

There are other things like that, old doorways and stuff that look like they were made for gnomes, light switches and key holes you have to bend down to use.

But clothes, they probably make smaller sizes than you get in the UK or NL etc but they also make larger sizes too, I've never particularly had a problem with sizes. I reckon that that is cos, while the average Portuguese is short and there are some very short people, there are quite a few taller people too - and I would say that often posher people are taller. This is entirely supposition or anecdotal based on simply my own observations but It definitely feels like people who are posh and have had good nutrition for generations are taller.

Following on from that I guess that the ruling classes have demanded that clothes be made in their sizes and they got what they wanted.


I think I mentioned before that apparently Rick Owens had some idea about reviving heroin chic and do he did some photo shoot with my friend Saul and Peter Perret. I dunno if the whole shoot actually came out or if it did where, but here is one shot that Saul shared on his Insta


Oh one more bit of name-dropping why not eh? Bizarrely Liza ended up as middle-man or at least as part of a chain trying to help RO get in contact with Sonic Boom to do a photoshoot or something... I dunno what the upshot was or whether it will actually happen so probably shouldn't mention it... but if it does then you heard it here first.


idlerich how tall are you? do you fit portugese clothes?

Sort of related to this, I just had an experience which you get from time to time in Portugal but which still makes me smile.

See these three teeny-weeny children, all well below four feet in height...?


And then you walk past them or they turn round and you realise it's actually two children... and their Mum. Or worse/funnier still is when it is their Dad.


Well-known member
Has anyone ever had a go at you for taking pictures of them? I'd fucking hate it if a stranger took a photo of me.


Well-known member
cunts take pictures of me everyday.

Is that while you're doing your poetry thing though? Bit different to just minding your own business and having some random taking a photo of you at the train station.